[data-curation] Airport/METAR Change

 On or about 10/10/2019, a new airport will become operational in Williston
The new identifier is KXWA.  Once this occurs, the current Williston Airport
(KISN) will stop service.  The ASOS unit at KISN will be moved to KXWA for
METARs and TAF service should begin.  There may be a time when we see METARs
from both sites as the ASOS is being moved (one will report manually-taken

I believe the IATA code for KXWA will be ISN, as XWA is already used for
another location, and with one airport replacing another in the same city,
usually the IATA code moves to the new airport.

Attached is the info on the change from the Daily NFDD last week.


Attachment: WillistonAirport.JPG
Description: JPEG image

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