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On Mon, 6 Apr 1998, Philip Barbour wrote:
Hello Robb,I was hoping you could help me with something or at least point me in the right direction. I need to begin working with the real time Profiler data available to our University. The guy who manages the data had thought it came through in NetCDF format but our usual programs couldn't read the header. Could you let me know where to find information on the format?
Philip, The profiler data from FSL is in netCDF format, the profiler data from the HDS stream is in ebufr format. If you are using gempak, there are a set of decoders already. Look at the Gempak pages on the web. Here's the entries used in the pqact.conf file. The white spaces are tabs. Also, if you send messages to support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the questions get directed to the handling individuals and you get faster results. Robb... ##### # FSL NetCDF Wind Profiler FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.(01hr)\.(.*)\..* PIPE -close /usr/local/ldm/decoders/dcncprof -v -l data/gempak/logs/dcncprof.log -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/gempak5.4/tables data/gempak/profiler/YYMMDD_pro.gem FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.(06min)\........(0[0-9]|1[01])..\.. * PIPE -close /usr/local/ldm/decoders/dcncprof -v -l data/gempak/logs/dcncprof.log -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/gempak5.4/tables data/gempak/profiler/YYMMDD00_6min.gem FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.(06min)\........(1[2-9]|2[0-3])..\. .* PIPE -close /usr/local/ldm/decoders/dcncprof -v -l data/gempak/logs/dcncprof.log -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/gempak5.4/tables data/gempak/profiler/YYMMDD12_6min.gem FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.01hr\.(.*)\..* PIPE -close /usr/local/ldm/decoders/proftomd -v -l /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log -d /var/data/mcidasd U2 WPRO 81 FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.06min\.(.*)\..* PIPE -close /usr/local/ldm/decoders/proftomd -v-l /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log -d /var/data/mcidasd U6 WPR6 91
Thanks,=================================================== $ Phil Barbour $ $ Wind Research Cooperative $ $ Oregon State University $ $ Corvallis, OR. $ $ (541) 737-7022 $ $ Barboup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx $ ===================================================
============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================