19980602: cman decoder

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>From: "Brett N. Lesh" <blesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199806022126.PAA29023

>I am trying to get realtime winds from the ndbc buoys and cman stations.
>I used the buoy2nc decoder and it works great.  Iwas wondering if there
>is anything like it for the cman stations. Any information would be a
>great help.
>   - Thanks 
>       Brett Lesh
>       Scripps Inst. of Oceanography
>       blesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I talked to Robb Kambic who wrote buoy2nc. He said it doesn't check
for CMAN at this point- but might be something he would look at in the

However, dcsynop in the GEMPAK distribution does decode the CMAN observations
if that would be something you would be interested in.

Steve Chiswell

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