Re: 980608: gribtonc Request for Assistance

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The code to process grid 212 was missing in  gribtonc/gribdump so I added
it.  The gdes.c file has the changes needed and it is attached.  The
eta212.cdl file I sent you is only a template to get you started.  You
will need to modify eta212.cdl to reflect the variables that you want to

On Fri, 12 Jun 1998, Anne Wilson wrote:

Hi Robb,

I really am sorry to be such a pest...

I changed the value of octect 6 to 83.  That did appease gribtonc wrt
the model_id.

gribtonc apparently runs gribdump.  gribdump still doesn't like me
identifying the grid as a 212 grid.  Here's the log file message:

  Jun 12 22:37:46 gribtonc[25315]: unrecognized NMC grid id 212
  Jun 12 22:37:46 gribtonc[25315]: 1: can't make a GDS for center=7

These values come from octets 7 and 5, which I have set as follows:
  octet 5: Identification of center: 7 // for NCEP, from Tbl 0
  octet 7: Grid Identification:    212 // for AWIPS 212

I can change these.  Any suggestions about what to change them to?

I don't suppose rebuilding gribtonc would be necessary??  I'm assuming
the build doesn't depend on what cdl files are in the cdl directory.

Also, I see that model_id 83 is says "currently 80km", but my 212 grid
is a 40km grid.  And, model_id 89 is not listed in my Table A.  Would
these  values influence how gribtonc processes the data?

I know the 83 is for the 80km, but I believe the 89 is for the 40km but
it's not listed in the table.  89 came from another Unidata programmer
that is more familar than me with grids.  If you find out the model ids, I
would appreciate if you let me know also.


Thank you,


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:
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