1998713: NWS Zone FCST decoder

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>From: "CAPT Kurt F. Brueske, 333-3510" <BrueskeKF.DFP.USAFA@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199807131522.JAA22063

>The sample  "nwx.tbl"  decoder file that you provide has been very 
>helpful in setting up our local feed; however, there's a reference to the 
>NAWIPS-5.4 decoder "ldmConnect" to decode NWS Zone Forecasts.  I 
>found no "ldmConnect" decoder in the /NAWIPS-5.4/gempak5.4/bin/sol 
>Is this the correct decoder?  If so, were can I obtain a copy of the file?
>As always, thanks.

ldmConnect is a perl script used for joining the pieces of the 
split messages back into a readable bulletin.

The ldmConnect script is contained in the ~pub/decoders tar file.
The script is not part of N-AWIPS, rather something that was created 
when NWS started breaking up long bulletins into 16K pieces.

Steve Chiswell

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