Re: 19981012: Installation of decoders

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


There is a file called INSTALL that contains all the documentation to
build gribtonc.  You also need to install netCDF, udunits, perl,
netcdf-perl.  perl and netcdf-perl are only needed if you plan on using
the perl decoders. README.perlDecoders is documentation also.

In the ftp directory there are extra files that should be downloaded to
make the release current. The cdl files goes into the release cdl
directory. I need to make a new release, but my time has been occuppied on
other tasks.


On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Unidata Support wrote:

------- Forwarded Message

>To: Unidata Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>From: "Robert J. Boucher" <rjboucher@xxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: 19981008: Converter for GRIB data
>Organization: TASC, Inc. (Reading, MA)
>Keywords: 199810091931.NAA07192

To whom it may concern:

I was interested in obtaining a GRIB to NetCDF converter and attempted
to obtain one from your homepage.  I went to the ftp site and went to
the pub/decoders directory.  I downloaded the decoders.tar.Z file which
has the decoder of interest within it.  The problem though is that I
can't find any instructions on how to install the decoder.  I looked at
the file after downloading it and there is nothing in it but code.  I
assume I have to run some unix command to get it to install but I have
no idea what it is.  Any help or pointing to documentation would be
greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your time.


Robert J. Boucher

Robert J. Boucher               TASC
Associate MTS                   55 Walkers Brook Drive
Tel:  971-942-2000 X2893        Reading, MA 01867-3297
Fax:  971-942-2571
email:  rjboucher@xxxxxxxx

------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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