Re: buoy2nc

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, Kevin Fuell wrote:

> > On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Unidata Support wrote: > > > >To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > >From: Kevin Fuell <kevinf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > >Subject: netCDF2grib
> > >Organization: .
> > >Keywords: 199811022230.PAA28802
> > > > Unidata, > > > > I've down loaded your decoders for METAR, buoys, and RAOBs. I'm using
> > them to create netCDF files for the Local Analysis and Prediction System
> > (LAPS) developed by FSL. > > > > I'm a UCAR Visiting Scientist at the Coast Survey Development Lab and we
> > are trying to run LAPS over the Chesapeake Bay to get a high-resolution
> > analysis of wind.  Many of the LAPS output fields will be sent to other
> > parties, including the University of Maryland, to be used as initial > > conditions for prediction models. The LAPS output is in netCDF. > > We are looking for some code that will transfer the netCDF output into
> > GRIB format.  I saw in the decoders.tar.Z file that there is a
> > "gribtonc" to get things like the RUC into netCDF, but is there
> > something that will go the other way:
> > > > netCDF---->GRIB???????????????? > > > > Is anyone working on this? > > > > Kevin, > > This is the first request to translate netCDF to GRIB, I don't think there > will be a large need in the future.


(Sorry about the blank message that was sent earlier.)

Out of curiosity, why do you think there will not be a large need in the
future for this.  Most of the meteorological community tries to conform
to the GRIB standard.


Most of the raw data is initial converted to GRIB and then transported to
remote sites where it is decoded into netCDF, or display package formats
ie. gempak, etc.  Not the other way around.  The initial conversion of
LAPS to netCDF is an exception to the rule.

On another note, I had a question about the buoy2nc decoder.  Why does
it deal with buoys and C-MAN but not include ships and drifting

The buoy decoder was written using the WMO manual on codes No. 306. The
CMAN's are not included and use a different format. Actually they use the
synoptic format, that includes station data input file. So the synoptic
decoder could be modified to process CMANs. If you send me some raw CMAN
reports, I could modify the synoptic decoder for CMANs.  At this time, I'm
busy so it would probably be a couple weeks before I get a chance to look
at it.  Also the synoptic station table would have to be updated with the
CMAN entries.  I don't know why CMANs are not in the codes book and why
they use a non-standard bulletin header.




* Kevin Fuell                                           *
* UCAR Visiting Scientist at the Coast                  *
* Survey Development Lab (NOAA/NOS/CSDL)                *
* ATTN: LAPS Project for the Chesapeake Bay             *
* mail code: N/CS13                                     *
* 1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3, Rm 7709                *
* Silver Spring MD, 20910                               *
* Phone: 301-713-2809 x114      FAX: 301-713-4501       *
*                                                       *
* NOAA/NWS Forecast Office (3 to 4 days/week)           *
* 44087 Weather Service Rd.                             *
* Sterling VA, 20166                                    *
* email: kevinf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                    *
* Phone: 703-260-0106           FAX: 703-260-0809       *

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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