19981112: GRIB

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>From: Matthew Hirsch <meh9@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: Cornell
>Keywords: 199811092133.OAA07202 gribtonc


>I was hoping you could stear me in the right direction.  I've been using
>the reanalysis data set in netCDF format.  I have a new data set coming
>that's in GRIB format.  What is the easiest way to look at the GRIB data?
>I'm unfamiliar with just about everything (grib, wgrib, scripts, etc.)  I
>just want to be able to pull off a few numbers from the dataset.  I'm not
>sure if I need to convert the grib to netcdf or if I should just decode the
>grib.  There's a lot of little things on the web about this, but nothing
>that's really clear.

What are you using now to look at the re-analysis data?  If you
already have something set up for looking at netCDF formatted files,
then converting the GRIB to netCDF would seem the way to go.

We have a decoder "gribtonc" which decodes GRIB into netCDF.
It is available throught our Web page in the Decoders section:


Don Murray

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