Decoders error

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


I found the source of the decoders error message that you sent me awhile
back.  The sao2nc decoder was using the wrong literal. Attached is the
fixed version of sao2nc.


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
#  usage: sao2nc [cdlfile] netcdf
# This sao to netCDF decoder was created by using a sao decoder provided by
# Mark Albright as a starting point.  Robb Kambic added a netCDF wrapper to
# change the output from ascii to netCDF format.
use NetCDF ;

# process input parameters
if( $#ARGV == 0 ) {
        $ncfile = $ARGV[ 0 ] ;
} elsif( $#ARGV == 1 ) {
        $cdlfile = $ARGV[ 0 ] ;
        $ncfile = $ARGV[ 1 ] ;
} else {
        die "Wrong number of parameters " ;

# set interrupt handler
$SIG{ 'INT' }  = 'cleanup' ;
$SIG{ 'TERM' }  = 'cleanup' ;
$SIG{ 'KILL' }  = 'cleanup' ;
$SIG{ 'QUIT' }  = 'cleanup' ;

# default value
$F = -9999 ;

# change to home
chdir() ;
chdir( "/home/rkambic/code/decoders/perldec/marka" ) ;

# open or create ncfiles
if( -e $ncfile ) {
        $ncid = NetCDF::open( "$ncfile", WRITE ) ;
        $record_id = NetCDF::dimid( $ncid, "record" ) ;
        $name_id =  "xxxxxx"  ;
        $recnum =  -1  ;
        NetCDF::diminq( $ncid, $record_id, $name_id, $recnum ) ;

} else {
        die "Wrong or missing cdlfile parameter" unless  -e $cdlfile ;
        if( index( $ncfile, '/' ) != -1 ) {
                $dir = substr( $ncfile, 0, rindex( $ncfile, '/' ) ) ;
                if( ! -e $dir ) {
                        system( "mkdir -p $dir" ) ;

        if( -e "util/ncgen" ) {
                $ncgen = "util/ncgen" ;
        } elsif( -e "/usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen" ) {
                $ncgen = "/usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen" ;
        } elsif( -e "/upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen" ) {
                $ncgen = "/upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen" ;
        } elsif( -e "./ncgen" ) {
                $ncgen = "./ncgen" ;
        } else {
                open( NCGEN, "which ncgen |" ) ;
                $ncgen = <NCGEN> ;
                close( NCGEN ) ;

                if( $ncgen =~ /no ncgen/ ) {
                        die "Can't find NetCDF utility 'ncgen' in PATH, 
        /usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen, /upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen, or ./ncgen : $!\n" ;
                } else {
                        $ncgen = "ncgen" ;

        system( "$ncgen -o $ncfile $cdlfile" ) ;
        $ncid = NetCDF::open( "$ncfile", WRITE ) ;
        # NetCDF record counter
        $recnum = 0 ;

# set fill mode
NetCDF::setfill($ncid, NetCDF::NOFILL) == 0 || die "Couldn't set fill mode\n";

select( STDOUT ) ;

# read in station data
if( -e "etc/city_sfc.dat" ) {
        $sfile = "etc/city_sfc.dat" ;
} elsif( -e "./city_sfc.dat" ) {
        $sfile = "./city_sfc.dat" ;
} else {
        die "Can't file city_sfc.dat station file" ;
open( STATION, "$sfile" ) || die "could not open $sfile: $!\n" ;

while( <STATION> ) {
        @station = split ;
        @station = reverse( @station ) ;
        $station[ 4 ] =~ /(\d)/ ;
        # set these vars ( $lat, $lon, $elev, $priority, $wmo_id ) 
        $STATIONS{ "$station[ 5 ]" } = 
                "$station[ 3 ] $station[ 2 ] $station[ 1 ] $1 $station[ 0 ]" ;
close STATION ;

$cover{'SCT'} = 3 ;
$cover{'BKN'} = 6 ;
$cover{'OVC'} = 8 ;
$cover{'0VC'} = 8 ;     # Occasionally observers misspell OVC

$pre1995 = "" ;         # Hard wired to process sao obs from 1995

# Now begin parsing file and decoding observations breaking on cntrl C
$/ = "\cC" ;

# set select processing here
while( 1 ) {
        open( STDIN, '-' ) ;
        vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1;
        $timeout = 600 ;
        $nfound = 0 ;
        $nfound = select( $rout = $rin, undef, undef, $timeout );
        # timed out
        if( ! $nfound ) {
                #print "nfound = 0 \n" ;
                &cleanup() ;

        &cleanup() if( eof( STDIN ) ) ;

   $_ = <STDIN> ;     # Process each bulletin
   s#\cM##g ;
   s#\cC##g ;

   if( s/^\s*\001\s*\d\d\d\s+S\w(\w\w)\d{1,2} [CK]\w\w\w \d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})( 
RTD\d\d)?\s+//s ) {
      # Ignore bulletins of Canadian and Mexican hourlies
      #print "$&\n" ;
      $header_hr  = $2 ;
      $header_min = $3 ;
   else {
      #print STDERR "Couldn't match header.\n" ;
      #print STDERR "$_\n\n" ;
      next ;      # Advance to the next bulletin

   # Usually reports are separated by a RS character
   if( /\036/ ) {
      s/[ \n]RSNK /\036RSNK / ;         # Separate RSNK from the HMS report   
      @reports = split ( /\036/ ) ;
   elsif( /=\n/ ) {
#      s/[ \n]RSNK /=RSNK / ;            # Separate RSNK from the HMS report
      @reports = split( /=\n/ ) ;
   else {
#      s/[ \n]RSNK /\nRSNK / ;           # Separate RSNK from the HMS report
      @reports = split ( /\n/ ) ;

   for ( @reports ) {                   # Process each report in the bulletin  
      $raw = $lat = $lon = $elev = $priority = "" ;
      $id = $type = $hr = $min = $ceiling = $skyc = $vis = $wea = $pres =
      $t = $td = $wdir = $wspd = $wgst = $alt = $ptend = $deltap =
      $pcp1 = $pcp3_6 = $xt = $pcp24 = $snow = $tmax = $tmin = $comment = "" ;
      $ptend_found = $read_cloud = $snowfall = $snowh2o = "" ;
      $asos = $ramos = $amos = $awos = $correction = $dashx = "" ;
      $one_inch = $two_inch = $three_inch = "" ;

      # save original undecoded report
      $raw = $_ ;

              # Remove multiple spaces, newlines and trailing = from report
      s#[\s=\$]+$## ;    s#/\n\s*#/ # ;   s#\n# #g ;   s#\s{2,}# #g ;
#      s#\s*\n\s*/#/#g ; 

      if( /FINO/ ) { next ; }  
      $hold_report = $_ ;

      if( s/^(\w{3,4}) (SA|RS|SP|USP) (COR |RTD )?([0-2]\d)([0-5]\d) (COR |RTD 
)?// ) {
         $id   = $1 ;
#      if( !($id eq "CNK" || $id eq "ALS" || $id eq "DDC" || $id eq "GLD" )) {
#      next ; }           # These 2 lines used to check ASOS decoding
         $type = $2 ;
         $correction = $3 ;
         $hr   = $4 ;
         $min  = $5 ;
      elsif( s/^RSNK // ) {   # Treat Rattlesnake Mtn. as special case
         $id = "RSN" ;
         $type = "SA" ;
         $hr = $header_hr ;
         $min = $header_min ;
         if( s#^([-\d]+)/(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?## ) {
            $t = $1 ;
            $wdir = $2 ;
            $wspd = $3 ;
            $wgst = $5 ;
      else { next ; }

      if( $id eq "LAX" ) {  # Handles city temperature appended at end of report
         if( s#/ ?(CITY\s*[\d/]{2,3})## ) {
            $comment = " $1" ;

#       Extract station's latitude, longitude, elevation, priority.

        ( $lat, $lon, $elev, $priority, $wmo_id ) = 
                        split( ' ', $STATIONS{ "$id" } ) ;

      if( $lat eq "" ) {        # Station not found in directory
         #print STDERR "Couldn't find $id in station directory.\n" ;
         next ;

      if( s/^AUTOB // ) {  # for now skip AUTOB reports for SDB, DRT, and INW
         next ;

      if( s/^AMOS // ) {  # Stations such as SMP
         $amos = "TRUE" ;

      if( s#^RAMOS /## ) { # Process RAMOS reports somewhat differently
         $ramos = "TRUE" ;

      if( s/^A[O0]2A? // ) { # Process ASOS reports somewhat differently
        $asos = "TRUE" ;
        if( s/CLR BLO 120 // ) {
           $ceiling = "888" ;
        s/^MM // ;

      if( s/^AWOS // ) {   # Process AWOS reports somewhat differently
         $awos = "TRUE" ;
         if( s/CLR BLO 120 // ) {    # Sky cover is unknown for this case
#            $ceiling = ">120" ;
            $ceiling = "888" ;         # Above value confusing to fortran io 
         if( s/^M // ) {        # sky cover info missing
           $ceiling = "M" ;
         if( s/SLP (\d\d\d)// ) {      # OTH reports in this manner
            $pres = $1 ;

      if( s/^-X // ) {
         $dashx = "TRUE" ;
         $skyc = 0 ;

      if( s/^W ?(\d{1,2}) ?X // ) {        # Sky obscured
         $skyc = 9 ;
         $ceiling = $1 ;
      elsif( s/^CLR // ) {       # Clear
         $skyc = 0 ;
         $ceiling = 999 ;
      else {
         # Capture each cloud layer
         while ( s/^[ME]?(\d{1,3})V? ?(-?)(SCT|BKN|[0O]VC) // ) {
            $thin = $2 ;
            if( ( $3 eq "BKN" || $3 eq "OVC"  || $3 eq "0VC" ) && !$ceiling ) {
               if( !$thin ) { $ceiling = $1 ; }
            $skyc = $cover{$3} ;
            $read_cloud = "TRUE" ;
         if( !$ceiling && ( $read_cloud || $dashx ) ) {
            $ceiling = 999 ;

   #This section assumes sky info accompanied by vis and pres weather
      if( $ceiling ne "" ) {
         if( $ceiling eq "M" ) { $ceiling = "" ; } 
         # Now decode visibility and present weather
         if( s#^((<?\d{1,2}/\d{1,2})|(\d{1,3}\+?)) ?([A-Z+-]*) ## ) {
            $vis = $1 ;
            $wea = $4 ;
         if( s#^(\d)/(\d{1,2})## ) {  # Check whether more visibility follows
            if( $2 > $1 ) {            # Otherwise must be T and Td 
               $vis .= $1 . "/" . $2 ;
               if( s#^([A-Z]+[A-Z+-]*) ## ) {
                  $wea = $1 ;
               else {
                  s#^ ## ;     # If no present weather then remove leading space
            else {           # T and Td are both single digits
               $t = $1 ;
               $td= $2 ;
               if( s#^/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?/## ) {
                  $wdir = $1 ;
                  $wspd = $2 ;
                  $wgst = $4 ;
      $wea =~ s/^V// ;  # Remove reference to variable visibility from $wea
      if( $vis =~ m#^<1/4# ) {        # AWOS stations report in this way
         $vis = "1/8" ;
#  Use this code to change visibility to decimal notation if needed
      if( $vis =~ m#^(\d?)(\d)/(\d{1,2})# ) {       # Fractional visibility
         if( $3 != 0 ) { $vis = $1 + $2/$3 ; }
         else { $vis = "" ; }

      # Regular(SA or RS) obs on the hour, or amos/asos report
      if( $type ne "SP" || $amos  || $asos || $awos ) { 
         if( s#^E?(\w+)/ ?([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+)| M)?/## ){ 
            $pres = $1 ;
            $t    = $2 ;
            $td   = $3 ;
            $wdir = $4 ;
            $wspd = $5 ;
            $wgst = $7 ;
         elsif( s#^ ?([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+)| M)?/## ){ 
            $t    = $1 ;
            $td   = $2 ;
            $wdir = $3 ;
            $wspd = $4 ;
            $wgst = $6 ;
            $td =~ s/M//g ;     # Check for missing value
         else {
            $skyc = $ceiling = $vis = $wea = "" ;
         if( $pres =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ || length( $pres ) != 3 ) { $pres = "" ; }
         if( $t    =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { $t  = "" ; }
         if( $td   =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { $td = "" ; }         
      else {                     # Special report(SP)
         if( s#^E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?/## ) {
            $wdir = $1 ;
            $wspd = $2 ;
            $wgst = $4 ;

      if( $wdir ne "" ) {
         $wdir *= 10 ;
         if( $wdir == 0 ) { $wdir = "00" ; }

      if( $ramos && s#PK WND (\d{2,3})## ) {
         $wgst = $1 ;
         $wgst =~ s/^0(\d)$/$1/ ;

      if( $amos && s/PK WND (\d{2,3}) \d\d\d// ) {
         unless ( $wgst ) { 
            $wgst = $1 ;
#            $wgst =~ s/^0(\d\d)/$1/ ;

      if( $wspd ne "" ) { $wspd *= 1 ; }
      if( $wgst ne "" ) { $wgst *= 1 ; }

      if( $wspd ne "" ) { # If wind was found then search for altimeter setting
         if( s#^(\d\d\d|M)/?# # ) {    # Altimeter setting
            $alt = $1 ;   $alt =~ s#M##g ;

      if( $asos ) {
         if( s/ PCPN (\d\d\d\d|M)( |$)/ / ) {
            $pcp1 = $1 ;
            if( $pcp1 eq "0000" ) { $pcp1 = " T" ; }
            if( $pcp1 =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
               $pcp1 *= 1 ;   # Remove leading zeroes
               if( $pcp1 < 10 ) { $pcp1 = "0" . $pcp1 ; }
         else { $pcp1 = " 0" ; }
      if( s/ NOSPL// ) {      # no specials(SP) between hours
         $comment .= $& ;

      if( $hr == 7 && $min > 45 ) {
         if( s# 98(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) {
            $sunshine = $1/60. + .05 ;
            $sunshine =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ;
            $comment = " sunshine=$sunshine hrs" . $comment ;
      if( $hr >= 4 && $hr <= 11 ) {   # Midnight Local Standard Time
         if( s# 4(\d)(\d{3})(\d)(\d{3})([ /]|$)# # ) {
            $tmax = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ;
            $tmin = $3 ? -$4*1 : $4*1 ;
            $comment .= " Mx=$tmax Mn=$tmin" ;
            if( $id eq "RSN" ) { $comment = "Hanford:" . $comment ; }

      $hourly_3 = $hourly_6 = $hourly_12 = "" ;
      if( ($hr+1)%3 == 0  &&  $min>20  &&  $type ne "SP" ) {
         $hourly_3 = "TRUE" ;
         if( ( $hr+1 )% 6 == 0 ) { $hourly_6  = "TRUE" ; }
         if( ( $hr+1 )%12 == 0 ) { $hourly_12 = "TRUE" ; }
      elsif( $hr%3 == 0  &&  $min<30  &&  $type ne "SP" ) {
         $hourly_3 = "TRUE" ;
         if( $hr% 6 == 0 ) { $hourly_6  = "TRUE" ; }
         if( $hr%12 == 0 ) { $hourly_12 = "TRUE" ; }

  # Process only 3-hourly SA or RS reports in the next block
      if( $hourly_3 && !$ramos ) {

         if( $hourly_12 ) {   # Process only 12-hourly SA/RS reports here
            if( s/(( [A-Z]{3})? RADAT \w+)// ){
               $comment .= $1 ;

         if( $asos || ! $pre1995 ) {
            if( s# 5(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) {
               $ptend = $1 ;
               $deltap = $2 ;
               $deltap =~ s/0(\d\d)/$1/ ;
               $ptend_found = "TRUE" ;

            if( s# 6(\d\d\d)/([ /]|$)# # ) {
               $pcp3_6 = $1 ;
               if( $pcp3_6 eq "000" ) { $pcp3_6 = "T" ; }
               $pcp3_6 =~ s/0(\d\d)/$1/ ;
            elsif( s# 6////( |$)# # ) { $pcp3_6 = "" ; }
            elsif( $ptend_found ) { $pcp3_6 = "0" ; }

            if( $hr == 11 ) {   # 12 GMT only
               if( s# 7(\d{4})([ /]|$)# # ) {
                  $pcp24 = $1 ;
                  $pcp24 *= 1 ;
                  if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; }
               elsif( s# 7////([ /]|$)# # ) { $pcp24 = "" ; }
               elsif( $ptend_found ) { $pcp24 = "0" ; }

            if( s# 1(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) {
               $tmax = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ;
            else { s# 1////([ /]|$)# # ; }

            if( s# 2(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) {
               $tmin = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ;
            else { s# 2////([ /]|$)# # ; }

            if( $hr <= 6 || $hr == 23 ) {  # 00 and 06 GMT
               $xt = $tmax ;
            else { $xt = $tmin ; }      # 12 and 18 GMT
            if( s# 8/([\d/]{3})([ /]|$)# # ) {
               $comment .= " C$1" ;
#            if( s/ 901(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # New snowfall in inches
#               $snowfall = $1 ;
#            }

            if( s# 933(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in
               $snowh2o = $1/10. ;         # tenths of inch
            if( $snowh2o ) {
               $snowh2o += .05 ;
               $snowh2o =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ;

            if( s# 4/(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) {   # Snow depth in inches
               $snow = $1 ;
               $snow =~ s#^0+## ;
         }              # end of ASOS processing
         else {         # non ASOS stations
            if( s/ 901(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # New snowfall in inches
               $snowfall = $1 ;
            if( s/ 902(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in
               $snowh2o = $1/10. ;         # tenths of inch
            if( s/ 903(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in
               $snowh2o += $1 ;            # whole inches
            if( $snowh2o ) {
               $snowh2o += .05 ;
               $snowh2o =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ;
            while ( s/ 904(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) {   # Snow depth in inches
               if( $1 == 99 ) { $snow = $snow + 100 ; }
               else { $snow = $snow + $1 ; }
                # probably Max/Min temp and 24 hr precipitation
            if( s/ 4(\d\d)(\d\d)( 2(\d\d\d\d))?( |$)/ / ) {
               if( $1 eq "00" ) {            # found ptend/precip group instead
                  $ptend = "4" ;
                  $deltap = $1 ;
                  $pcp3_6 = $2 ;
                  $ptend_found = 1 ;
               else {                           # found Max and Min temperature
                  $tmax = $1 ;
                  $tmin = $2 ;
                  if( $pcp24 = $4 ) {
                     $pcp24 *= 1 ;               # Remove leading zeroes ;
                     if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; }

            if( s# [A-Z]{1,2}R[\d/]{2}[ \w]*$## ) { # Runway condition
               $comment .= $& ;

#            s#[\s/]+$## ; # Remove trailing slashes such as found on OTH report

            if( $hourly_12 ) {
               if( s/ 2(\d\d\d\d)\s*$// ) {    # 24 hr precipitation
                  $pcp24 = $1 ;
                  $pcp24 *= 1 ;               # Remove leading zeroes ;
                  if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; }

            if( s# 1\d[\d/][\d/]( |$)# # ) {  # Cloud types
               $comment = $& . " " . $comment ;

            if( s/ (\d{1,2})\s*$/ / ) {
                $xt = $1 ;

            if( s/ 99(\d\d\d)\s*$/ / ) { # Pressure change exceeds 9.9 mb
               $deltap = $1 ;
            if( s/ ONE\s*$/ / )   { $one_inch = "TRUE" ; }
            elsif( s/ TWO\s*$/ / )   { $two_inch = "TRUE" ; }
            elsif( s/ THREE\s*$/ / ) { $three_inch = "TRUE" ; }

            if( !$ptend_found && s#[ /](\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)?\s*$# # ) {
               $ptend  = $1 ;
               if( !$deltap ) { $deltap = $2 ; }
               $pcp3_6 = $3 ;
               if( $one_inch )   { $pcp3_6 += 100 ; }
               elsif( $two_inch )   { $pcp3_6 += 200 ; }
               elsif( $three_inch ) { $pcp3_6 += 300 ; }
               if( !$pcp3_6 ) {
                  $pcp3_6 = "0" ;
            # Military stations do not report precip at 03, 09, 15, and 21GMT.
               if( !$hourly_6 ) {
                  if( $id eq "GRF"||$id eq "TCM"||$id eq "NUW"||$id eq "SKA" ) {
                     $pcp3_6 = "" ;
            if( $pcp3_6 eq "00" ) { $pcp3_6 = "-1" ; } # Trace precip coded as 
      }                  # end of 3-hourly processing

      # Clean up in preparation for adding to comment field
      s#^[/ ]*## ;  s#[/ ]*$## ; s# / # #g ;  s#\s+# # ;
      s# #_#g ; s#,#;#g ;  # Substitute ; for , and underscore for spaces

      $comment = $_ . $comment ;

      if( $snowh2o ) {
         $comment = "snowH2O=$snowh2o " . $comment ;  
      $comment = $correction . $comment ;
      $comment =~ s#^\s+## ;
      $comment = $pcp1 . " " . $comment ;
#      if( $asos ) {
#         $pcp1str = sprintf ( "%3.3s ", $pcp1 ) ;
#         $comment = $pcp1str . $comment ;
#      }

      # Needed for using with list directed fortran io
      #$id = "\"" . $id . "\"" ;

      $t =~ s/(-?)(0+)([1-9]+)/$1$3/ ;  
      $td =~ s/(-?)(0+)([1-9]+)/$1$3/ ;  

      # expand abreviations and partial numbers
      if( $alt && $alt < 500 ) {
        $alt = "3" . "$alt" ;
        $alt /= 100 ;
      } elsif( $alt && $alt > 500 ) {
        $alt = "2" . "$alt" ;
        $alt /= 100 ;
      if( $pres && $pres < 600 ) {
        $pres = "10" . "$pres" ;
        $pres /= 10 ;
      } elsif( $pres && $pres > 600 ) {
        $pres = "9" . "$pres" ;
        $pres /= 10 ;

if( 0 ) {
      $report_dec = join(',', $id, $type, $priority, $hr, $min, $lat, $lon,
                               $elev, $ceiling, $skyc, $vis, $wea, $pres, $t,
                               $td, $wdir, $wspd, $wgst, $alt, $ptend, $deltap,
                               $pcp3_6, $xt, $pcp24, $snow, $tmax, $tmin,
                               $comment ) ;

      print "\n---$hold_report---\n" ;
      print OUT $report_dec, "\n" ;

        # set defaults for NetCDF
        $hr = $F unless $hr ;
        $t = $F unless $t ;
        $td = $F unless $td ;
        $pres = $F unless $pres ;
        $wdir = $F unless $wdir ;
        $wspd = $F unless $wspd ;
        $wgst = $F unless $wgst ;
        $alt = $F unless $alt ;
        $vis = $F unless $vis ;
        $wea = $F unless $wea ;
        $ptend = $F unless $ptend ;
        $deltap = $F unless $deltap ;
        $pcp1 = $F unless $pcp1 ;
        $pcp3 = $F unless $pcp3 ;
        $pcp6 = $F unless $pcp6 ;
        $pcp24 = $F unless $pcp24 ;
        $tmax = $F unless $tmax ;
        $tmin = $F unless $tmin ;

        # output the NetCDF data here
        $datap[ 0 ] = \$wmo_id ;
        #&charord( \@id, $id, 4 ) ;
        &padstr( \$id, 4 ) ;
        $datap[ 1 ] = \$id ;
        $datap[ 2 ] = \$lat ;
        $datap[ 3 ] = \$lon ;
        $datap[ 4 ] = \$elev ;
        $datap[ 5 ] = \$hr ;
        $datap[ 6 ] = \$hr ;
        $datap[ 7 ] = \$t ;
        $datap[ 8 ] = \$td ;
        $datap[ 9 ] = \$pres ;
        $datap[ 10 ] = \$wdir ;
        $datap[ 11 ] = \$wspd ;
        $datap[ 12 ] = \$wgst ;
        $datap[ 13 ] = \$alt ;
        $datap[ 14 ] = \$vis ;
#print "$wea\n" ;
        @wea = ( $wea, 
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) ;
        $datap[ 15 ] = \@wea ;
        &padstr( \$stn_type, 1 ) ;
        $datap[ 16 ] = \$stn_type ;
        &padstr( \$type, 2 ) ;
        $datap[ 17 ] = \$type ;
        $datap[ 18 ] = \$ptend ;
        $datap[ 19 ] = \$deltap ;
        $datap[ 20 ] = \$pcp1 ;
        $datap[ 21 ] = \$pcp3 ;
        $datap[ 22 ] = \$pcp6 ;
        $datap[ 23 ] = \$pcp24 ;
        $datap[ 24 ] = \$tmax ;
        $datap[ 25 ] = \$tmin ;
        &padarr( \@cc, 5, 8 ) ;
        $datap[ 26 ] = \@cc ;
        $datap[ 27 ] = \[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ;
        &padarr( \@cloudtype, 5, 1 ) ;
        $datap[ 28 ] = \@cloudtype ;
        #&padstr( \$comment, 256 ) ;
        #$datap[ 29 ] = \$comment ;
        &padstr( \$raw, 256 ) ;
        $datap[ 29 ] = \$raw ;

        $result = NetCDF::recput( $ncid, $recnum, [ @datap ] ) ;
        #$result = NetCDF::recput( $ncid, $recnum, [ \$wmo_id ] ) ;
        #print STDOUT "NetCDF::recput result = $result\n" ;

        $recnum++ ;
        #last ;

   } # end of for ( @reports ) loop

   &cleanup() if( eof( STDIN ) ) ;

} # end while( 1 )
exit( 0 ) ; #should never get here

sub cleanup

local( $sig ) = @_ ;

#print "Caught a SIG$sig --shutting down\n" if( $sig ) ;
$result = NetCDF::close( $ncid ) ;
#print STDOUT "NetCDF::close result = $result\n" ;

#close OUT ;      
exit( 0 ) ;


# pad str to correct length
sub padstr

( $str, $len ) = @_ ;

local( $size, $i ) ;

$size = length( $$str ) ;

for( $i = $size; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
        $$str .= "\0" ;
        #print "$$str,\n" ;


# pad arr to correct length
sub padarr

( $arr, $x, $y ) = @_ ;

local( $size, $i, $j ) ;

for( $i = 0; $i < $x; $i++ ) {
        $size = length( $$arr[ $i ] ) ;
        for( $j = $size; $j < $y; $j++ ) {
                $$arr[ $i ] .= "\0" ;
                #print STDOUT ",$$arr[ $i ],\n" ;

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