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Dan, I found the source of the decoders error message that you sent me awhile back. The sao2nc decoder was using the wrong literal. Attached is the fixed version of sao2nc. Robb... ============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================
#! /usr/local/bin/perl # # usage: sao2nc [cdlfile] netcdf # # This sao to netCDF decoder was created by using a sao decoder provided by # Mark Albright as a starting point. Robb Kambic added a netCDF wrapper to # change the output from ascii to netCDF format. # use NetCDF ; # process input parameters if( $#ARGV == 0 ) { $ncfile = $ARGV[ 0 ] ; } elsif( $#ARGV == 1 ) { $cdlfile = $ARGV[ 0 ] ; $ncfile = $ARGV[ 1 ] ; } else { die "Wrong number of parameters " ; } # set interrupt handler $SIG{ 'INT' } = 'cleanup' ; $SIG{ 'TERM' } = 'cleanup' ; $SIG{ 'KILL' } = 'cleanup' ; $SIG{ 'QUIT' } = 'cleanup' ; # default value $F = -9999 ; # change to home chdir() ; chdir( "/home/rkambic/code/decoders/perldec/marka" ) ; # open or create ncfiles if( -e $ncfile ) { $ncid = NetCDF::open( "$ncfile", WRITE ) ; $record_id = NetCDF::dimid( $ncid, "record" ) ; $name_id = "xxxxxx" ; $recnum = -1 ; NetCDF::diminq( $ncid, $record_id, $name_id, $recnum ) ; } else { die "Wrong or missing cdlfile parameter" unless -e $cdlfile ; if( index( $ncfile, '/' ) != -1 ) { $dir = substr( $ncfile, 0, rindex( $ncfile, '/' ) ) ; if( ! -e $dir ) { system( "mkdir -p $dir" ) ; } } if( -e "util/ncgen" ) { $ncgen = "util/ncgen" ; } elsif( -e "/usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen" ) { $ncgen = "/usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen" ; } elsif( -e "/upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen" ) { $ncgen = "/upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen" ; } elsif( -e "./ncgen" ) { $ncgen = "./ncgen" ; } else { open( NCGEN, "which ncgen |" ) ; $ncgen = <NCGEN> ; close( NCGEN ) ; if( $ncgen =~ /no ncgen/ ) { die "Can't find NetCDF utility 'ncgen' in PATH, util/ncgen /usr/local/ldm/util/ncgen, /upc/netcdf/bin/ncgen, or ./ncgen : $!\n" ; } else { $ncgen = "ncgen" ; } } system( "$ncgen -o $ncfile $cdlfile" ) ; $ncid = NetCDF::open( "$ncfile", WRITE ) ; # NetCDF record counter $recnum = 0 ; } # set fill mode NetCDF::setfill($ncid, NetCDF::NOFILL) == 0 || die "Couldn't set fill mode\n"; select( STDOUT ) ; # read in station data if( -e "etc/city_sfc.dat" ) { $sfile = "etc/city_sfc.dat" ; } elsif( -e "./city_sfc.dat" ) { $sfile = "./city_sfc.dat" ; } else { die "Can't file city_sfc.dat station file" ; } open( STATION, "$sfile" ) || die "could not open $sfile: $!\n" ; while( <STATION> ) { @station = split ; @station = reverse( @station ) ; $station[ 4 ] =~ /(\d)/ ; # set these vars ( $lat, $lon, $elev, $priority, $wmo_id ) $STATIONS{ "$station[ 5 ]" } = "$station[ 3 ] $station[ 2 ] $station[ 1 ] $1 $station[ 0 ]" ; } close STATION ; $cover{'SCT'} = 3 ; $cover{'BKN'} = 6 ; $cover{'OVC'} = 8 ; $cover{'0VC'} = 8 ; # Occasionally observers misspell OVC $pre1995 = "" ; # Hard wired to process sao obs from 1995 # Now begin parsing file and decoding observations breaking on cntrl C $/ = "\cC" ; # set select processing here while( 1 ) { open( STDIN, '-' ) ; vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; $timeout = 600 ; $nfound = 0 ; $nfound = select( $rout = $rin, undef, undef, $timeout ); # timed out if( ! $nfound ) { #print "nfound = 0 \n" ; &cleanup() ; } &cleanup() if( eof( STDIN ) ) ; $_ = <STDIN> ; # Process each bulletin s#\cM##g ; s#\cC##g ; if( s/^\s*\001\s*\d\d\d\s+S\w(\w\w)\d{1,2} [CK]\w\w\w \d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})( RTD\d\d)?\s+//s ) { # Ignore bulletins of Canadian and Mexican hourlies #print "$&\n" ; $header_hr = $2 ; $header_min = $3 ; } else { #print STDERR "Couldn't match header.\n" ; #print STDERR "$_\n\n" ; next ; # Advance to the next bulletin } # Usually reports are separated by a RS character if( /\036/ ) { s/[ \n]RSNK /\036RSNK / ; # Separate RSNK from the HMS report @reports = split ( /\036/ ) ; } elsif( /=\n/ ) { # s/[ \n]RSNK /=RSNK / ; # Separate RSNK from the HMS report @reports = split( /=\n/ ) ; } else { # s/[ \n]RSNK /\nRSNK / ; # Separate RSNK from the HMS report @reports = split ( /\n/ ) ; } for ( @reports ) { # Process each report in the bulletin $raw = $lat = $lon = $elev = $priority = "" ; $id = $type = $hr = $min = $ceiling = $skyc = $vis = $wea = $pres = $t = $td = $wdir = $wspd = $wgst = $alt = $ptend = $deltap = $pcp1 = $pcp3_6 = $xt = $pcp24 = $snow = $tmax = $tmin = $comment = "" ; $ptend_found = $read_cloud = $snowfall = $snowh2o = "" ; $asos = $ramos = $amos = $awos = $correction = $dashx = "" ; $one_inch = $two_inch = $three_inch = "" ; # save original undecoded report $raw = $_ ; # Remove multiple spaces, newlines and trailing = from report s#[\s=\$]+$## ; s#/\n\s*#/ # ; s#\n# #g ; s#\s{2,}# #g ; # s#\s*\n\s*/#/#g ; if( /FINO/ ) { next ; } $hold_report = $_ ; if( s/^(\w{3,4}) (SA|RS|SP|USP) (COR |RTD )?([0-2]\d)([0-5]\d) (COR |RTD )?// ) { $id = $1 ; # if( !($id eq "CNK" || $id eq "ALS" || $id eq "DDC" || $id eq "GLD" )) { # next ; } # These 2 lines used to check ASOS decoding $type = $2 ; $correction = $3 ; $hr = $4 ; $min = $5 ; } elsif( s/^RSNK // ) { # Treat Rattlesnake Mtn. as special case $id = "RSN" ; $type = "SA" ; $hr = $header_hr ; $min = $header_min ; if( s#^([-\d]+)/(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?## ) { $t = $1 ; $wdir = $2 ; $wspd = $3 ; $wgst = $5 ; } } else { next ; } if( $id eq "LAX" ) { # Handles city temperature appended at end of report if( s#/ ?(CITY\s*[\d/]{2,3})## ) { $comment = " $1" ; } } # Extract station's latitude, longitude, elevation, priority. ( $lat, $lon, $elev, $priority, $wmo_id ) = split( ' ', $STATIONS{ "$id" } ) ; if( $lat eq "" ) { # Station not found in directory #print STDERR "Couldn't find $id in station directory.\n" ; next ; } if( s/^AUTOB // ) { # for now skip AUTOB reports for SDB, DRT, and INW next ; } if( s/^AMOS // ) { # Stations such as SMP $amos = "TRUE" ; } if( s#^RAMOS /## ) { # Process RAMOS reports somewhat differently $ramos = "TRUE" ; } if( s/^A[O0]2A? // ) { # Process ASOS reports somewhat differently $asos = "TRUE" ; if( s/CLR BLO 120 // ) { $ceiling = "888" ; } s/^MM // ; } if( s/^AWOS // ) { # Process AWOS reports somewhat differently $awos = "TRUE" ; if( s/CLR BLO 120 // ) { # Sky cover is unknown for this case # $ceiling = ">120" ; $ceiling = "888" ; # Above value confusing to fortran io } if( s/^M // ) { # sky cover info missing $ceiling = "M" ; } if( s/SLP (\d\d\d)// ) { # OTH reports in this manner $pres = $1 ; } } if( s/^-X // ) { $dashx = "TRUE" ; $skyc = 0 ; } if( s/^W ?(\d{1,2}) ?X // ) { # Sky obscured $skyc = 9 ; $ceiling = $1 ; } elsif( s/^CLR // ) { # Clear $skyc = 0 ; $ceiling = 999 ; } else { # Capture each cloud layer while ( s/^[ME]?(\d{1,3})V? ?(-?)(SCT|BKN|[0O]VC) // ) { $thin = $2 ; if( ( $3 eq "BKN" || $3 eq "OVC" || $3 eq "0VC" ) && !$ceiling ) { if( !$thin ) { $ceiling = $1 ; } } $skyc = $cover{$3} ; $read_cloud = "TRUE" ; } if( !$ceiling && ( $read_cloud || $dashx ) ) { $ceiling = 999 ; } } #This section assumes sky info accompanied by vis and pres weather if( $ceiling ne "" ) { if( $ceiling eq "M" ) { $ceiling = "" ; } # Now decode visibility and present weather if( s#^((<?\d{1,2}/\d{1,2})|(\d{1,3}\+?)) ?([A-Z+-]*) ## ) { $vis = $1 ; $wea = $4 ; } if( s#^(\d)/(\d{1,2})## ) { # Check whether more visibility follows if( $2 > $1 ) { # Otherwise must be T and Td $vis .= $1 . "/" . $2 ; if( s#^([A-Z]+[A-Z+-]*) ## ) { $wea = $1 ; } else { s#^ ## ; # If no present weather then remove leading space } } else { # T and Td are both single digits $t = $1 ; $td= $2 ; if( s#^/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?/## ) { $wdir = $1 ; $wspd = $2 ; $wgst = $4 ; } } } } $wea =~ s/^V// ; # Remove reference to variable visibility from $wea if( $vis =~ m#^<1/4# ) { # AWOS stations report in this way $vis = "1/8" ; } # Use this code to change visibility to decimal notation if needed if( $vis =~ m#^(\d?)(\d)/(\d{1,2})# ) { # Fractional visibility if( $3 != 0 ) { $vis = $1 + $2/$3 ; } else { $vis = "" ; } } # Regular(SA or RS) obs on the hour, or amos/asos report if( $type ne "SP" || $amos || $asos || $awos ) { if( s#^E?(\w+)/ ?([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+)| M)?/## ){ $pres = $1 ; $t = $2 ; $td = $3 ; $wdir = $4 ; $wspd = $5 ; $wgst = $7 ; } elsif( s#^ ?([\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+)| M)?/## ){ $t = $1 ; $td = $2 ; $wdir = $3 ; $wspd = $4 ; $wgst = $6 ; $td =~ s/M//g ; # Check for missing value } else { $skyc = $ceiling = $vis = $wea = "" ; } if( $pres =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ || length( $pres ) != 3 ) { $pres = "" ; } if( $t =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { $t = "" ; } if( $td =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { $td = "" ; } } else { # Special report(SP) if( s#^E?(\d\d)(\d\d)(G(\d+))?/## ) { $wdir = $1 ; $wspd = $2 ; $wgst = $4 ; } } if( $wdir ne "" ) { $wdir *= 10 ; if( $wdir == 0 ) { $wdir = "00" ; } } if( $ramos && s#PK WND (\d{2,3})## ) { $wgst = $1 ; $wgst =~ s/^0(\d)$/$1/ ; } if( $amos && s/PK WND (\d{2,3}) \d\d\d// ) { unless ( $wgst ) { $wgst = $1 ; # $wgst =~ s/^0(\d\d)/$1/ ; } } if( $wspd ne "" ) { $wspd *= 1 ; } if( $wgst ne "" ) { $wgst *= 1 ; } if( $wspd ne "" ) { # If wind was found then search for altimeter setting if( s#^(\d\d\d|M)/?# # ) { # Altimeter setting $alt = $1 ; $alt =~ s#M##g ; } } if( $asos ) { if( s/ PCPN (\d\d\d\d|M)( |$)/ / ) { $pcp1 = $1 ; if( $pcp1 eq "0000" ) { $pcp1 = " T" ; } if( $pcp1 =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $pcp1 *= 1 ; # Remove leading zeroes if( $pcp1 < 10 ) { $pcp1 = "0" . $pcp1 ; } } } else { $pcp1 = " 0" ; } } if( s/ NOSPL// ) { # no specials(SP) between hours $comment .= $& ; } if( $hr == 7 && $min > 45 ) { if( s# 98(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { $sunshine = $1/60. + .05 ; $sunshine =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ; $comment = " sunshine=$sunshine hrs" . $comment ; } } if( $hr >= 4 && $hr <= 11 ) { # Midnight Local Standard Time if( s# 4(\d)(\d{3})(\d)(\d{3})([ /]|$)# # ) { $tmax = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ; $tmin = $3 ? -$4*1 : $4*1 ; $comment .= " Mx=$tmax Mn=$tmin" ; if( $id eq "RSN" ) { $comment = "Hanford:" . $comment ; } } } $hourly_3 = $hourly_6 = $hourly_12 = "" ; if( ($hr+1)%3 == 0 && $min>20 && $type ne "SP" ) { $hourly_3 = "TRUE" ; if( ( $hr+1 )% 6 == 0 ) { $hourly_6 = "TRUE" ; } if( ( $hr+1 )%12 == 0 ) { $hourly_12 = "TRUE" ; } } elsif( $hr%3 == 0 && $min<30 && $type ne "SP" ) { $hourly_3 = "TRUE" ; if( $hr% 6 == 0 ) { $hourly_6 = "TRUE" ; } if( $hr%12 == 0 ) { $hourly_12 = "TRUE" ; } } # Process only 3-hourly SA or RS reports in the next block if( $hourly_3 && !$ramos ) { if( $hourly_12 ) { # Process only 12-hourly SA/RS reports here if( s/(( [A-Z]{3})? RADAT \w+)// ){ $comment .= $1 ; } } if( $asos || ! $pre1995 ) { if( s# 5(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { $ptend = $1 ; $deltap = $2 ; $deltap =~ s/0(\d\d)/$1/ ; $ptend_found = "TRUE" ; } if( s# 6(\d\d\d)/([ /]|$)# # ) { $pcp3_6 = $1 ; if( $pcp3_6 eq "000" ) { $pcp3_6 = "T" ; } $pcp3_6 =~ s/0(\d\d)/$1/ ; } elsif( s# 6////( |$)# # ) { $pcp3_6 = "" ; } elsif( $ptend_found ) { $pcp3_6 = "0" ; } if( $hr == 11 ) { # 12 GMT only if( s# 7(\d{4})([ /]|$)# # ) { $pcp24 = $1 ; $pcp24 *= 1 ; if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; } } elsif( s# 7////([ /]|$)# # ) { $pcp24 = "" ; } elsif( $ptend_found ) { $pcp24 = "0" ; } } if( s# 1(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { $tmax = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ; } else { s# 1////([ /]|$)# # ; } if( s# 2(\d)(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { $tmin = $1 ? -$2*1 : $2*1 ; } else { s# 2////([ /]|$)# # ; } if( $hr <= 6 || $hr == 23 ) { # 00 and 06 GMT $xt = $tmax ; } else { $xt = $tmin ; } # 12 and 18 GMT if( s# 8/([\d/]{3})([ /]|$)# # ) { $comment .= " C$1" ; } # if( s/ 901(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # New snowfall in inches # $snowfall = $1 ; # } if( s# 933(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in $snowh2o = $1/10. ; # tenths of inch } if( $snowh2o ) { $snowh2o += .05 ; $snowh2o =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ; } if( s# 4/(\d\d\d)([ /]|$)# # ) { # Snow depth in inches $snow = $1 ; $snow =~ s#^0+## ; } } # end of ASOS processing else { # non ASOS stations if( s/ 901(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # New snowfall in inches $snowfall = $1 ; } if( s/ 902(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in $snowh2o = $1/10. ; # tenths of inch } if( s/ 903(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # Water equivalent snow depth in $snowh2o += $1 ; # whole inches } if( $snowh2o ) { $snowh2o += .05 ; $snowh2o =~ s/(\.\d)\d*/$1/ ; } while ( s/ 904(\d\d)( |$)/ / ) { # Snow depth in inches if( $1 == 99 ) { $snow = $snow + 100 ; } else { $snow = $snow + $1 ; } } # probably Max/Min temp and 24 hr precipitation if( s/ 4(\d\d)(\d\d)( 2(\d\d\d\d))?( |$)/ / ) { if( $1 eq "00" ) { # found ptend/precip group instead $ptend = "4" ; $deltap = $1 ; $pcp3_6 = $2 ; $ptend_found = 1 ; } else { # found Max and Min temperature $tmax = $1 ; $tmin = $2 ; if( $pcp24 = $4 ) { $pcp24 *= 1 ; # Remove leading zeroes ; if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; } } } } if( s# [A-Z]{1,2}R[\d/]{2}[ \w]*$## ) { # Runway condition $comment .= $& ; } # s#[\s/]+$## ; # Remove trailing slashes such as found on OTH report if( $hourly_12 ) { if( s/ 2(\d\d\d\d)\s*$// ) { # 24 hr precipitation $pcp24 = $1 ; $pcp24 *= 1 ; # Remove leading zeroes ; if( $pcp24 < 10 ) { $pcp24 = "0" . $pcp24 ; } } } if( s# 1\d[\d/][\d/]( |$)# # ) { # Cloud types $comment = $& . " " . $comment ; } if( s/ (\d{1,2})\s*$/ / ) { $xt = $1 ; } if( s/ 99(\d\d\d)\s*$/ / ) { # Pressure change exceeds 9.9 mb $deltap = $1 ; } if( s/ ONE\s*$/ / ) { $one_inch = "TRUE" ; } elsif( s/ TWO\s*$/ / ) { $two_inch = "TRUE" ; } elsif( s/ THREE\s*$/ / ) { $three_inch = "TRUE" ; } if( !$ptend_found && s#[ /](\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)?\s*$# # ) { $ptend = $1 ; if( !$deltap ) { $deltap = $2 ; } $pcp3_6 = $3 ; if( $one_inch ) { $pcp3_6 += 100 ; } elsif( $two_inch ) { $pcp3_6 += 200 ; } elsif( $three_inch ) { $pcp3_6 += 300 ; } if( !$pcp3_6 ) { $pcp3_6 = "0" ; } # Military stations do not report precip at 03, 09, 15, and 21GMT. if( !$hourly_6 ) { if( $id eq "GRF"||$id eq "TCM"||$id eq "NUW"||$id eq "SKA" ) { $pcp3_6 = "" ; } } } if( $pcp3_6 eq "00" ) { $pcp3_6 = "-1" ; } # Trace precip coded as -1 } } # end of 3-hourly processing # Clean up in preparation for adding to comment field s#^[/ ]*## ; s#[/ ]*$## ; s# / # #g ; s#\s+# # ; s# #_#g ; s#,#;#g ; # Substitute ; for , and underscore for spaces $comment = $_ . $comment ; if( $snowh2o ) { $comment = "snowH2O=$snowh2o " . $comment ; } $comment = $correction . $comment ; $comment =~ s#^\s+## ; $comment = $pcp1 . " " . $comment ; # if( $asos ) { # $pcp1str = sprintf ( "%3.3s ", $pcp1 ) ; # $comment = $pcp1str . $comment ; # } # Needed for using with list directed fortran io #$id = "\"" . $id . "\"" ; $t =~ s/(-?)(0+)([1-9]+)/$1$3/ ; $td =~ s/(-?)(0+)([1-9]+)/$1$3/ ; # expand abreviations and partial numbers if( $alt && $alt < 500 ) { $alt = "3" . "$alt" ; $alt /= 100 ; } elsif( $alt && $alt > 500 ) { $alt = "2" . "$alt" ; $alt /= 100 ; } if( $pres && $pres < 600 ) { $pres = "10" . "$pres" ; $pres /= 10 ; } elsif( $pres && $pres > 600 ) { $pres = "9" . "$pres" ; $pres /= 10 ; } if( 0 ) { $report_dec = join(',', $id, $type, $priority, $hr, $min, $lat, $lon, $elev, $ceiling, $skyc, $vis, $wea, $pres, $t, $td, $wdir, $wspd, $wgst, $alt, $ptend, $deltap, $pcp3_6, $xt, $pcp24, $snow, $tmax, $tmin, $comment ) ; print "\n---$hold_report---\n" ; print OUT $report_dec, "\n" ; } # set defaults for NetCDF $hr = $F unless $hr ; $t = $F unless $t ; $td = $F unless $td ; $pres = $F unless $pres ; $wdir = $F unless $wdir ; $wspd = $F unless $wspd ; $wgst = $F unless $wgst ; $alt = $F unless $alt ; $vis = $F unless $vis ; $wea = $F unless $wea ; $ptend = $F unless $ptend ; $deltap = $F unless $deltap ; $pcp1 = $F unless $pcp1 ; $pcp3 = $F unless $pcp3 ; $pcp6 = $F unless $pcp6 ; $pcp24 = $F unless $pcp24 ; $tmax = $F unless $tmax ; $tmin = $F unless $tmin ; # output the NetCDF data here $datap[ 0 ] = \$wmo_id ; #&charord( \@id, $id, 4 ) ; &padstr( \$id, 4 ) ; $datap[ 1 ] = \$id ; $datap[ 2 ] = \$lat ; $datap[ 3 ] = \$lon ; $datap[ 4 ] = \$elev ; $datap[ 5 ] = \$hr ; $datap[ 6 ] = \$hr ; $datap[ 7 ] = \$t ; $datap[ 8 ] = \$td ; $datap[ 9 ] = \$pres ; $datap[ 10 ] = \$wdir ; $datap[ 11 ] = \$wspd ; $datap[ 12 ] = \$wgst ; $datap[ 13 ] = \$alt ; $datap[ 14 ] = \$vis ; #print "$wea\n" ; @wea = ( $wea, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) ; $datap[ 15 ] = \@wea ; &padstr( \$stn_type, 1 ) ; $datap[ 16 ] = \$stn_type ; &padstr( \$type, 2 ) ; $datap[ 17 ] = \$type ; $datap[ 18 ] = \$ptend ; $datap[ 19 ] = \$deltap ; $datap[ 20 ] = \$pcp1 ; $datap[ 21 ] = \$pcp3 ; $datap[ 22 ] = \$pcp6 ; $datap[ 23 ] = \$pcp24 ; $datap[ 24 ] = \$tmax ; $datap[ 25 ] = \$tmin ; &padarr( \@cc, 5, 8 ) ; $datap[ 26 ] = \@cc ; $datap[ 27 ] = \[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ; &padarr( \@cloudtype, 5, 1 ) ; $datap[ 28 ] = \@cloudtype ; #&padstr( \$comment, 256 ) ; #$datap[ 29 ] = \$comment ; &padstr( \$raw, 256 ) ; $datap[ 29 ] = \$raw ; $result = NetCDF::recput( $ncid, $recnum, [ @datap ] ) ; #$result = NetCDF::recput( $ncid, $recnum, [ \$wmo_id ] ) ; #print STDOUT "NetCDF::recput result = $result\n" ; $recnum++ ; #last ; } # end of for ( @reports ) loop &cleanup() if( eof( STDIN ) ) ; } # end while( 1 ) &cleanup(); exit( 0 ) ; #should never get here sub cleanup { local( $sig ) = @_ ; #print "Caught a SIG$sig --shutting down\n" if( $sig ) ; $result = NetCDF::close( $ncid ) ; #print STDOUT "NetCDF::close result = $result\n" ; #close OUT ; exit( 0 ) ; } # pad str to correct length sub padstr { ( $str, $len ) = @_ ; local( $size, $i ) ; $size = length( $$str ) ; for( $i = $size; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $$str .= "\0" ; #print "$$str,\n" ; } } # pad arr to correct length sub padarr { ( $arr, $x, $y ) = @_ ; local( $size, $i, $j ) ; for( $i = 0; $i < $x; $i++ ) { $size = length( $$arr[ $i ] ) ; for( $j = $size; $j < $y; $j++ ) { $$arr[ $i ] .= "\0" ; #print STDOUT ",$$arr[ $i ],\n" ; } } }