Re: 19990524: Gribtonc - multiple definition of signal subroutines

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This is something with the pgcc compiler.  I compile the decoders package
with /usr/bin/cc  on our linux machine.  I made a tar file for ftp , it's
located at:


Give this a try, I didn't put in the stations or the cdl file. Forgot.

Let me know if it works,

On Mon, 24 May 1999, Unidata Support wrote:

------- Forwarded Message

>To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>From: Frank <peacock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Gribtonc - multiple definition of signal subroutines
>Organization: Penn State University
>Keywords: 199905231854.MAA05449

Hello Robb

I am using the pgcc compiler on Linux
Redhat. When linking gribdump and
gribtonc, I get an error of gribdump and
gribtonic both redefining subroutines
that ulog has already defined. Do you
have a fix?

gribdump.o: In function `__sigismember':

gribdump.o(.text+0x10): multiple
definition of `__sigismember'
ulog.o(.text+0x10): first defined here
gribdump.o: In function `__sigaddset':
gribdump.o(.text+0x60): multiple
definition of `__sigaddset'
ulog.o(.text+0x60): first defined here
gribdump.o: In function `__sigdelset':
gribdump.o(.text+0xa0): multiple
definition of `__sigdelset'
ulog.o(.text+0xa0): first defined here


Frank Peacock

------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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