19991102: download information for Unidata software

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>From: Ramakrishna Nemani <nemani@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199911031618.JAA25479

>Hi Steve,
>       thanks for the reply and the info. let me be more specific about
>what we are interested in.
>       we are trying to run our ecosystem simulation models that combine
>satellite data over the U.S, to predict soil moisture, vegetation
>production etc. on a daily basis. Our biggest problem always has been
>gathering the weather data for the past 24 hours. Our requirements are
>quite simple at this point: we need 24 hr Tmax, Tmin, Precip, wind and
>dewpoint. I saw these fields plotted at several UNIDATA participant sites,
>so i think the UNIDATA feed would be quite helpful for us.
>       as for hardware, we have IBM workstations, linux machines. we
>would like to set up the system on a linux box. and yes, we have the MOTIF
>for linux with us.
>       thanks for your help and i hope you will bear with us as we get
>going on this.
>Ramakrishna Nemani                     e-mail:nemani@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>NTSG, School of Forestry               PHONE:  406-243-4632
>University of Montana                  FAX:    406-243-4510
>Missoula, MT 59812                             


Based on your requirements for surface information above, you probably want to
obtain the METAR reports through the IDD, so the LDM software will be
useful for obtaining that data stream.

You have options for how you want to use the METAR reports. Certainly Gempak
and McIDAS can decode the data from the METAR reports into package dependent
format files which many sites use for the plotting packages to produce
web images. 

You can also use the PERL metar decoder (metar2nc) found in the 
distribution. The decoders in the decoders.tar.Z distribution store
the data into NetCDF files- which may be a route for incorporating
the data into your model.

Steve Chiswell

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