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yOn Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Matthew Maschmann wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Robb Kambic wrote: > On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Matthew Maschmann wrote:> > > Robb, > > > > Thank you for the reply. I have since moved on past the> > netcdf-perl problem, but my decoders still do not work. I have included> > my log file for "make test" as test.log and from as testpl.log. > > > > Thanks for your help,> > Matt> > > > > Matt, > > I not sure about your problem. For sanity sake, have you installed> netCDF and built the netecdf-perl code? Where is the module > located? Yes, netcdf and netcdf-perl are both installed. is located under/netcdf-perl-1.2/src/perl/> > Can you cd to the metar dir in the decoders source tree and run the> following:> > % metar2nc metar.cdl 0002 < testdata.wmo >
Matt, The log file suggests that ncgen was never called to create the netCDF file, so the decoder doesn't have a destination file to write to. ie ncopen: filename "./": No such file or directory Look in the current dir for the file, if it not there try: % ncgen -o metar.cdl Usually the decoder checks for ncgen before it even starts to run. Do you have write permission in the metar dir? If ncgen created, then try: % ncdump | more Try running the metar2nc again. Also what type of machine/OS and version of perl are you running? Robb...
The log file is attached> > This should complete ok, if not send me the metarLog.????.log file, it> should have the problem listed.> > Robb...Thanks, Matt
============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================