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============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ============================================================================== ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 21:37:07 -0600 From: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: David Wojtowicz <davidw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> mwdross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kwthomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, wxp5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: I solved the Nexrad mystery! (was: Can rad handle new stuff...) All, I have succeeded in uncompressing the zlib compressed ARX Nexrad files coming in via the HDS feed. I was able to display the final product with rad (a fairly old version at that), now I just need to synthesise some of the steps involved to get to a single program that the files can be piped into via the ldm, which results in an uncompressed, rad/gempak readable file being written to disk. Here's the long version of the story.. It was a combination of a few things that threw me off. Bob and David were right, there is an uncompressed header on the files that must be stripped off first. BUT, the remaining file is not in a gzip or bzip or compressed or whatever format. Apparently those utilities use the zlib algorithms, but encapsulate the data somehow. Since the radar data does not have the identifying info that gzip needs, it refuses to try to uncompress it. I followed a tip from Mike and located a perl sample program, which would uncompress files compressed by the zlib routines, and modified it somewhat, and was able to uncompress the data. Turns out that the uncompressed version also has a header on it, slightly different than the uncompressed one from earlier, but not included in the WSI NIDS files which work with wxp's rad and the various gempak programs, so it has to be stripped off also. One other wrench that threw me off for a while.. the files I were working with had two separate uncompressed headers in them, followed by binary data, which made no sense whatsoever based on the documentation I had read. Usually, the data after one header was un-compressible, while the other was not.. It turns out that the *encrypted* versions of the ARX files are also still being sent out, in addition to the compressed ones. As far as I can see, there is no way to differentiate between the compressed ones (which we can read) and the encrypted ones (which we can't) in the pqact.conf file. So both of these were being written into the one file I was testing my routines with. In practice, this shouldn't be a problem. I'll just modify the script to die gracefully when it gets piped a file it can't decode (the encrypted one) and to create a file when it can decode. That way the encrypted one will be basically ignored, while the compressed version will be uncompressed to a file on disk. Given the return codes from the un-zlib'ing routines, this should be a piece of cake. I'm going to refine my code and make sure it truly works with data piped in from the ldm, but it looks like it should work. I'll make the perl code available when it's done. It requires perl (obviously) and the perl interface to zlib, there's a link to it from the zlib home page ( I'm a little concerned about the performance issues of firing up perl every time a nids product comes in, especially once the whole stream kicks in in January, so in the longer run I may use the perl code as a basis for a C program that does the same thing. Otherwise, maybe a seasoned C programmer could do it too, based on the logic in the perl code < grovel grovel hint hint :) >. It's been interesting, kinda like trying to get that grib decoderworking the first time.. Hex, decimal, binary, bloodshot eyes.. Thank God for od (octal dump) and hexl-mode in emacs!
Pete -- +>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+ ^ Pete Pokrandt V 1447 AOSS Bldg 1225 W Dayton St^ ^ Systems Programmer V Madison, WI 53706 ^ ^ V poker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ ^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^ ^ University of Wisconsin-Madison V 262-0166 (Fax) ^ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+