Re: cdl file for eta ST

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On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Todd Fake wrote:

I am participating in a major, multi-institutional research
project to develop a coastal observing system here on the east coast.  A
critical component of the modeling effort is applying appropriate
forcing.  As an archived operational product, the NCEP Eta
model is particularly attractive to us, but we are having surprising and
unexpected trouble using it.

  Based on its apparent ease of use, we chose a few months ago to use
the gribtonc utility to convert the grib output to a format we can work
with. We were under the impression that this was produced and supported by Unidata. While we've been successful at translating some fields (e.g., 10 m
winds) from
the Eta model output, we are critically short on others (e.g., Downward
Wave Radiative flux) for which we have an IMMEDIATE need.  The problem
generating appropriate lines for the eta.cdl file supplied on your ftp

  Does Unidata support gribtonc?


First, I been out of town for the last 5 days, just getting caught up

I answered your question about how to approach the problem on Jul 10,
2001.  ie:

  If so,
    Can we get assistance on it?

If you have particular questions I would be more than willing to answer
them.  I do not have the time to write the eta ST cdl file for you as I'm
involved with many projects.  Have your tried the procedures stated in the
first email?  If so what are the obstacles?  If you run against a problem
be sure to sent the log informations and a short part of the raw file. I'm sure if you do some research on the structure of the cdl files you
will begin to understand the structure of them.  I would have to follow
the same procedures stated in the previous email about creating at cdl.

  If not,
    Can you recommend anyone who can help with the CDL file?

  With a few sporadic but ultimately unhelpful emails with Unidata, I've
trying to extract this information for over 3 months, and can't waste
any more
time on it.  Please let me know if I really should be using a different
utility, or if you can help.

  At the very least, you should post on your gribtonc webpage some
people have experienced using the code.  I'm sure it would save all
sorts of
headaches in the future, both for the users, and for yourselves.

Thank you,

* Todd Fake Direct: (860) 405-9067 * * Dept of Marine Sciences Admin Asst: (860) 405-9151 or 9152 * * University of Connecticut FAX: (860) 405-9153 * * 1084 Shennecossett Road E-mail: fake@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *
* Groton, CT  06340            Web:          *

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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