Re: gribtonc: cdl for CMC data

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On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Rorik Peterson wrote:

        I couldn't find a cdl for the Canadian Meterological Service data,
so I wrote my own.  However, some data products in the CMC stream are at
ETA levels.  When I added a new dimension to my cdl file for the eta
level, gribtonc simply "ate" that product (using verbose mode, that
product disappeared without being written or signaling an error).  After
going through gribtonc with a debugger, I found that many of the levels
defined in levels.h are not included in the 'switch' statement in nc.c's
getlev() function.


I haven't encounter that problem before using gribtonc, doesn't mean that
it not a problem.  It could be a cdl file problem or it could be a bug in
gribtonc. If you could provide me with the cdl file and some raw data or a
pointer to a data location I'll look into it.  At this time, I'll take a
look at your findings too.


This causes nc_write() to return -1 to gribtonc before
writing the data (so num_gribs_written doesn't get incremented, yet no
error is produced; the product simply vanishes.) If I add a LEVEL_ETAL
case to getlev(), it appears to work fine.  However, I suspect it can't be
that simple, and I'm missing something else.
        What is the reason that all the levels defined in levels.h are not
included in nc.c (and thus cannot be processed with gribtonc)?  And what
else do I need to modify to "properly" write ETA-level dat to a netCDF

Rorik Peterson
Research Engineer
Remote Sensing Group
Geophysical Institute
University Alaska, Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775
PH:  907-474-1519
FAX: 907-474-7290

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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