Re: 20020610: Unidata Decoders and modifications (fwd)

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Russ Rew wrote:


Here's more from Arild Burud on his enhancements to gribtonc ...


------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Wed, 12 Jun 2002 11:31:49 -0000
From:    Arild Burud <Arild.Burud@xxxxxx>
To:      Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: 20020610: Unidata Decoders and modifications

Hi, the conversion tools I described to you earlier are now available on

Documentation of the modified decoders package can be found at

Download the modified decoders package from

Russ Rew wrote:
> -snip-
> > - Is Unidata interested in the modifications for incorporation in the
> > existing package?


Yes, we are interested in incorporating the changes into the decoders
package. Of course we will give you the credit for developing the
gribtocdl program.  At this time, I would appreciate a response back
giving Unidata Program Center the right to incorporate the code into the Decoders packages. It was a clever idea that works very well. At
this time, I've only done minor testing on gribtocdl but I'm very limited
on time.  Do you have any updates since I got the package in June?  Also,
once include the gribtocdl code will be under support by Unidata
Again, you have done a great job in creating gribtocdl program and I'm
sure it will be used by our community.

> > We took the application "gribdump" and rewrote it into a new tool
> > "gribtocdl", enabling automatic creation of a cdl-file from the content
> > of a grib file. This was first based on the built-in parameter tables
> > found in "gribdump" and "gribtonc". Most recently, I added the option of
> > having a user-supplied conversion table for parameter names, this time I
> > had to modify the "gribtonc" application as well. After having informed
> > users about the new tools on our internet pages
> > ( we found that this was generating
> > international interest. I have now received several requests for the
> > software from the US and Portugal.
> >

I like the idea of the using the  user-supplied conversion table for
parameter names, this is a nice feature.

Thanks again,

> > We are not interested in making a profit on the tools, we will only
> > distribute them for free.
> > Yes, we are very interested in your changes! They sound useful enough
> that we might want to incorporate some of your enhancements in our
> decoders package (with your permission and giving you credit), or at
> least include a pointer to your web site from our decoders page, so
> our users can access your enhanced versions.  Please let us know if
> this sounds practical.
Arild Burud/NoSerC

Arild.Burud@xxxxxx       System Developer          Tel.: +47 22963035                                  Fax.: +47 22963050
Norwegian Service Centre for Climate Modelling,
Norwegian Meteorological Institute,    PB 43 Blindern,    N-0313 Oslo

------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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