Re: perl metar decoder -- parsing DIRmin/max wrong ?

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Thanks for catching these errors. I made the matches more strigent to
correct the problems.  Included is a modified metar2nc with the fixes.


On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, David Larson wrote:


Could you check the parsing of a METAR for me?

    KPDX 160555Z 15003KT 1/4SM R10R/2800V5000FT BR OVC004 05/05 A3013

What I see as a result of parsing is that part of the runway data
(800V500) gets parsed out of the METAR into the DIRmin/DIRmax, and then
subsequently the runway data isn't parsed out properly either (of course).

I've made a few changes to the metar decoder from version 2.4.3 for
tweaks here and there ... so I must admit this might again be a problem
I've inflicted on myself.

The following code seems to interfere with the runway processing code:
    # get min|max wind direction
    if( s#(\d{3})V(\d{3})\s*## ) {
        $DIRmin = $1 ;
        $DIRmax = $2 ;

What do you think about the following mod:
    if( s#(\d{3})V(\d{3})(\s+|$)## ) {

The point of the above being just to ensure there is at least one
trailing whitespace (or EOL).

Thanks for the help,

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:
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