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David, Thanks for catching these errors. I made the matches more strigent to correct the problems. Included is a modified metar2nc with the fixes. Robb... On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, David Larson wrote:
Robb, Could you check the parsing of a METAR for me? KPDX 160555Z 15003KT 1/4SM R10R/2800V5000FT BR OVC004 05/05 A3013 What I see as a result of parsing is that part of the runway data (800V500) gets parsed out of the METAR into the DIRmin/DIRmax, and then subsequently the runway data isn't parsed out properly either (of course). I've made a few changes to the metar decoder from version 2.4.3 for tweaks here and there ... so I must admit this might again be a problem I've inflicted on myself. The following code seems to interfere with the runway processing code: # get min|max wind direction if( s#(\d{3})V(\d{3})\s*## ) { $DIRmin = $1 ; $DIRmax = $2 ; } What do you think about the following mod: if( s#(\d{3})V(\d{3})(\s+|$)## ) { The point of the above being just to ensure there is at least one trailing whitespace (or EOL). Thanks for the help, Dave
============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================