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David, Yes, I know about the problem. The problem exists in bulletins that don't use the = sign to seperate reports. The solution is to assume that bulletins that don't use = only have one report. I scanned many raw reports and this seems to be true, so I changed the code to: < @reports = split ( /\n/ ) ; ---
#@reports = split ( /\n/ ) ; s#\n# #g ; next if( /\d{4,6}Z.*\d{4,6}Z/ ) ; $reports[ 0 ] = $_;
The new code is attached. I'm also working on a newer version of the decoder, it's in the ftp decoders directory. ie and The pqact.conf entry needs to change \2:yy to \2:yyyy because it now uses the century too. The cdl is different, merges vars that have different units into one. ie wind knots, mph, and m/s are all store using winds m/s. Also, store all reports per station into one record. Take a look, I would appreciate any comments before it's released. Robb... On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, David Larson wrote:
Robb, I've been chasing down a problem that seems to cause perfectly good reports to be discarded by the perl metar decoder. There is a comment in the 2.4.4 decoder that reads "reports appended together wrongly", the code in this area takes the first line as the report to process, and discards the next line. To walk through this, I'll refer to the following report: 132 SAUS80 KWBC 021800 RRD METAR K4BL 021745Z 12005KT 3SM BR OVC008 01/M01 RMK SLP143 NOSPECI 60011 8/2// T00061006 10011 21017 51007 The decoder attempts to classify the report type ($rep_type on line 257 of metar2nc), in doing so, it classifies this report as a "SPECI" ... which isn't what you'd expect by visual inspection of the report. However, perl is doing the right thing given that it is asked to match on #(METAR|SPECI) \d{4,6}Z?\n# which exists in the remarks of the report. The solution is probably to bind the text to the start of the line with a caret. Seems to work pretty well so far. I've changed the lines (257-263) in metar2nc-v2.4.4 from: if( s#(METAR|SPECI) \d{4,6}Z?\n## ) { $rep_type = $1 ; } elsif( s#(METAR|SPECI)\s*\n## ) { $rep_type = $1 ; } else { $rep_type = "METAR" ; } To: if( s#^(METAR|SPECI) \d{4,6}Z?\n## ) { $rep_type = $1 ; } elsif( s#^(METAR|SPECI)\s*\n## ) { $rep_type = $1 ; } else { $rep_type = "METAR" ; } I simply added the caret (^) to bind the pattern to the start of the report. Let me know what you think. Dave
============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================