RE: Decoders 3.0.2

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On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:

Robb:  Will the next Decoders release support GRIB2?


The current status:  a grib2 (Dump program) has been written in Java. I
haven't been able to work on it for 6 months, the  plan is to add
the netcdf API on top of the dump program. Hopefully I will be able to
restart work on it soon. The NDFD grib2 files will be easy to create but
some of the stitched grid models require more work. For sure a grib2
decoder will be available when the NWS starts regular distribution in


Tom:  Does Unidata still offer the gribdec.tar.Z package for converting GRIB
to McIDAS GRID?  I don't see it in the downloads section of the
my.unidata website?  If the gribdec.tar.Z package IS still available, are
there plans for it to support GRIB2?

Brian Hoeth
Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Office:  281-483-3246
Operations:  281-483-1051

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Robb Kambic
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 3:17 PM
> To: decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: decoders
> Subject: Decoders 3.0.2
> Hiya,
> I'm pleased to announce the release of Decoders 3.0.2.
> The major feature of the release is that the data is stored
> monotonically in the netCDF model files. To accomplish this,
> the cdl valtime variable is initialized with the valid times
> so the gribtonc program knows where to enter the data into
> the netCDF file.  If one gets messages in the log file similar
> to: "...  new valoffset = 12.000000" the data has extra
> offsets that should be added to the cdl. In the cdl, the
> dimension valtime_offset should be incremented by one and the
> new value entered in the data section of the cdl. Included in
> the release is a new set of cdl files that have the valtime
> variables already initialized to the proper values.
> The cdl file names have changed to reflect the new model
> names, ie avn -> gfs and they also include the grid number of
> the model. Here's the conversion:
>                    avn-q   ->   gfs_211
>                    avn-x   ->   gfs_37-44
>                    ecmwf   ->   ecmwf_1-12
>                    eta     ->   eta_211
>                    mrf-a   ->   gfs_21-24
>                    mrf-e   ->   gfs_25-26
>                    ngm-q   ->   ngm_211
>                    ocean   ->   ocean_21-24
>                    ruc     ->   ruc_211
>                    ruc2    ->   ruc2_236
>                    sst-a   ->   sst_21-24
>                    sst-t   ->   sst_61-64
> Another variable forecasttime was added similar to the
> datetime variable in previous cdl files. Using units:
> YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ
> To easy the transition to new pqact entries, the release
> includes a file gribtonc.entries with all the needed entries
> and it's located in the cdl directory or the etc directory.
> Because of larger GRID products, the maximum GRID size was
> increase from 100k to 200k.
> The metar2nc decoder was modified to make regular expression
> matching more robust.
> As always, if there are any question send them to
> support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Thanks,
> Robb...

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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