Re: WAFS Thickener

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi Carl,

> I'm looking for code to "thicken" the thinned WAFS grids.  I saw a link 
> to a WAFS thickener on your Unidata page, but it doesn't work.
> Do you know where I can get WAFS grid-thickening code?

The "-q" option of the gribtonc GRIB-to-netCDF decoder supports WAFS
grid thickening:

     -q qspecs
          Specification for how to expand so-called quasi-regular
          or thinned grids into rectangular grids.  This argument
          is a comma-delimited text  string  that  specifies  the
          method  of interpolation used (currently lin for linear
          or cub for cubic), and the latitude and  longitude  in-
          crements  in  degrees  for  the  resulting  grid  (e.g.

and gribtonc it's available from the "Latest Decoders Package
(decoders.tar.Z)" at:



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