GRIB2 documentation

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I work at Unidata/UCAR and my current project is to convert GRIB2 to
netCDF format. The current decoder works for non-compressed GRIB2, so it
needs to be updated for compression schemes, JPEG2000 etc. Do you have
documentation that explains the compression schemes for GRIB2? My current
searches have revealed only vague documentation and the Official GRIB2
docment needs to be updated for the compression schemes. The data that
currently interest me is the eta model in GRIB2 that uses the  JPEG2000
compression.  My decoder is written in java so the available GRIB2
decoders with compression schemes are not applicable for my project
because they are written in c or Fortran.

Thanks for you time,
Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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