Re: 20041207: Unidata decoder question (fwd)

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Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 17:52:58 -0700
From: Dazhong Yin <yin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: 20041207: Unidata decoder question


Just want to let you I did it by going back to decoders-3.0.1. Please
keep me posted on future solutions to this issue if possible. By the
way, I use the deocoders standalone, not with LDM etc.

Thanks a lot,


Robb Kambic wrote:

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Dazhong Yin wrote:


Thanks for the reply! I commented out those lines and ran syn2nc again.
It only generated the netcdf header and gave the following message:
   Opening ./ with ncid 3
   Minute '60' out of range 0..59 at /bl3/yin/bin/syn2nc line 982
Another run I got Monthe '-1" our of range. There is no real data record
in the output netcdf file.  Please let me what could be the problem.

I don't have much knowledge of  perl. I was wondering why the decoders
worked before for me, but it was not at this machine. I used them to
decode the historical data( for July 1999, this time data is for Dec,
2003)  too.


there must be something else going on in the decoder, maybe a old decoder
release will work better for you. how about reverting back to a release
before the real time checks where coded, say release decoders-3.0.1.tar.Z
it is in the ftp directory

at this point this is probably the quickest resolution.




Robb Kambic wrote:

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Unidata Support wrote:

------- Forwarded Message

To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Dazhong Yin <yin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Unidata decoder question
Organization: University of Arizona
Keywords: 200412080210.iB82ABlI006739 netCDF decoders

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I  am working on to use Unidata decoder to decode observational data. I
have installed perl, netcdf-perl and decoder. Everything seems OK.
However, when I used syn2nc to decode surface observational data, all I
got was the simple error message. I attached files showing the command,
the raw data and the log file. Could you please let me know the possible
reasons? Is it possible that the raw data is not for this decoder? I did
decoding using the this set of decoder for other period  at other Linux
machine. It was OK.


the problem is that the syn2nc decoder has been made more strict on the
data it permits to be decoded, so it only decodes data less than 24 hr
old. looking at your data, it's older data. i plan in a future release to
have a flag to permit older than 24 hour data. in the mean time, you can
modify the decoder by commenting out the lines by entering a # at the
beginning of the line that restrict the data.

in syn2nc

lines 248-256  add the # at beginning of line
lines 279-296  add the # at beginning of line

this should solve your problem


Thanks a lot,


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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