Re: 20050114: netCDF Decoders - GRIB2TONC

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On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Unidata Support wrote:

------- Forwarded Message

>To: support-decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>From: "Vandenberghe" <vandenb@xxxxxxxx>
>Subject: netCDF Decoders - GRIB2TONC
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200501142202.j0EM2lU6007167

Institution: NCAR
Package Version: NETCDF 3-5
Operating System: UNIX/LINUX
Hardware Information: IBM/DELL
Inquiry: Hi,

I was wondering if I could have access to a Beta version of the UNIDATA 
GRIB2TONC (decoder/converter of GRIB2 files into NETCDF).


i didn't forget about your request. the expansion ratio of grib2 -> netcdf
is between 1 -> 20 and 1  -> 50 so the resulting files are large, you
probably already know that. so we developed a program that permits one to
read in  a grib2 file into ncml, edit the "cdl", and then write out an
netcdf file with the desired paramters..  we are currently working on a
webstart release, it should be ready soon, hopefully tomorrow. also, can i
get some sample files for testing? the grib2 that i have are the ndfd,
eta2, and one other. like to have as many variations as possible.


Thanks in advance,


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------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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