Re: gribtocdl (fwd)

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I don't know if you are keeping your own version of gribtocdl but this bug
was sent to me. The fix is to replace km with m in gdes.c for Polar and
Lambert projections.


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 15:39:57 -0600
From: John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: gribtocdl

Robb Kambic wrote:

>On Tue, 31 May 2005, John Caron wrote:
>>the file in /upc/share/testdata/grid/netcdf/nuwg/
>> float Dx(nav);
>>     :long_name = "x-direction grid length";
>>     :units = "km";
>>   float Dy(nav);
>>     :long_name = "y-direction grid length";
>>     :units = "km";
>>has units of km, but the value is in fact in meters.
im ignoring the "km" at the moment, assuming its meters (which it is!)
but id like to use whatever units are there.

>>I assume this  is a bug in gribtocdl, since here are the global attributes:
>> :record = "reftime, valtime";
>> :lbls = "lbls_bot, lbls_top";
>> :lfhg = "lfhg_bot, lfhg_top";
>> :liso = "liso_bot, liso_top";
>> :lpdg = "lpdg_bot, lpdg_top";
>> :history = "2004-12-01 15:43:34 - created by gribtocdl";
>> :title = "Enter model definition here";
>> :Conventions = "NUWG";
>> :GRIB_reference = "Office Note 388 GRIB";
>> :GRIB_URL = "";;
>> :version = 0.0; // double
>>The best fix for now is to change the units to meters, as that is
>>hardcoded in my reader. However, I would like to "do the right thing"
>>and believe whatever units are specified.
>>Im wondering how widespread this bug is ? Who uses grib2cdl and grib2nc ?
>>We should perhaps consider replacing  them with an nj22 based version,
>>which produces CF instead of NUWG.
>i agree but nj22 can't do thin or tiled grids yet, gribtonc handles these
>fine.  also, don't know if display programs can handle the CF conventions.
good point, we'll probably need both for now.

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