RE: Grib File

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are you sure you got the latest GribJava.tar.gz? the latest is:
711461 Jul 11 14:12 GribJava.tar.gz

i ran the following w/o any exceptions thrown.

% java -Xmx256m ucar/grib/GribChecker data/us057g1010t04a000000000
% java -Xmx256m ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Dump data/us057g1010t04a000000000 |
% java -Xmx256m ucar/grib/grib1/Grib1Indexer data/us057g1010t04a000000000
| more

remember the CLASSPATH must be set to find the grib.jar, jpeg2000.jar, and
junit.jar.  if you still get exception let me know.


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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