Re: LDM Decoder "metar2nc"

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thanks for the bug reports, they are indeed problems. the next release
will have the fixes. have you looked at the new metar decoder
metar2nc.new1? the netCDF file is almost CF compliant, it offers
following links to get time series on a station, the performance is better
and it packs a day's worth of data into one file ~40 megs. i would
appreciate your comments. also have you heard that the nws is planning to
change the text format to a bufr format, what do you think about that?


On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, Brent Shaw wrote:

> Greetings,
> I think I found a bug in the metar2nc decoder that causes METAR parsing
> problems intermittently (version 3.1.1 is the one I am looking at).
> The attached metar2nc.txt file has the snippet of code that parses RVR.
> You will notice I commented out the "$i++" near the end.  This was
> causing $i to be incremented twice for every 1 RVR element.
> Also, I had problems with this version of metar2nc processing
> visibility, weather, and cloud information.   In the sections where
> these elements are determined, I had to put a "\s*" right after the /^.
> Older versions of the decoders did not appear to have the "^" to bind
> the search to the beginning of the string.
> Regard,
> Brent
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> Brent Shaw
> Scientific Technologist
> Weathernews Americas Inc.
> Direct: (405) 310-2851
> Mobile: (405) 740-9554
> Weathernews, the world's largest, publicly-traded, full-service weather
> company

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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