Re: New Ticket - [netCDFDecoders !FEG-733021]: Problem reading ECMWF Grib file

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Hi Robb-

Robb Kambic wrote:
Just to clarify,  quasi regular grids are supported in Grib2. the NCEP grids 
have started the change to Grib2, it is expected to have all grids changed by 
the 1st quarter 2007.  Don, i suspect eumetsat should have a schedule close to 

Thanks for the clarification - I was wondering about that.  When you say "quasi 
regular grids are supported in Grib2" do you mean that your Grib decoder supports 

While the centers may be moving toward Grib2 for realtime distribution, there 
are vast amounts of archived data at NCDC, ECMWF and other centers that are in 
grib 1.  Since THREDDS is supposed to provide a mechanism for accessing 
archived as well as realtime data, it seems prudent to support the quasi 
regular grids in Grib 1 as well as Grib2.  The file in question came from the 
ECMWF archives and is from October, 2003.  That's not the first queries we've 
gotten on these (and probably won't be the last).

Perhaps we can add this to the items for discussion.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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