Re: problem with motherlode catalog or indexer?

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On Mon, 25 Dec 2006, Don Murray wrote:


Merry Christmas.

I just transfered a ticket to support-thredds from Jacob Gore about a problem 
accessing the latest.xml for the 80 km GFS grib data.  The same error occurs 
when accessing the 12Z data (GFS_CONUS_80km_20061225_1200.grib1) that the 

yep, the problem was a zero size index file and inv. i think this happened when 
the data partition was out of disk space.  i've been running the file removal 
script 4x a day instead of the once a day until the disk usage problem is 
fixed.  also, i'm going to modify the indexer to check for zero size files.


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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