Re: [Java-dev] GRIB Java Decoder release

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Thanks for this release.  As you know, it has been
very useful for the IDV community.

A couple of comment on the API/formats:

- The methods for adding new parameter tables is quite
useful.  However, this only seems to be for
parameter tables and not for other tables (levels, etc).
Since some centers override the defaults or add in new
descriptions, it would be useful to have a mechanism to do
this as well.  The documentation talks about modifying the
JAR file, but that seems to be a method fraught with
support nightmares.

- Supporting the GEMPAK format for tables (in addition to
the NCEP format) would be a benefit because GEMPAK usually
has up-to-date tables for most real-time GRIB product from

- It would be useful to have a default parameter table instead
of just throwing an exception.  In some cases, other centers
use the NCEP or WMO defaults.  A warning (rather than an exception)
could be thrown to notify the user.  GEMPAK uses a scheme like


Robb Kambic wrote:
I am pleased to announce the official release of the GRIB Java Decoder.

GRIB Java Decoder

Since the Meteorological Models are increasing in resolution and new
parameters are being added to the models, the models are increasing in
size. Currently some models are already over .5 gigabytes in GRIB format.
The conversion to netCDF can increase the size of the file by a factor of
10-20 times, making the file size hard to handle by the hardware operating
systems. The GRIBJava decoder approach is to only convert the data as it
is requested therefore avoiding the large file sizes. The GRIBJava decoder
package consists of a set of utilities to manage the GRIB files in an
efficient manner.

For more information, on-line javadocs, and downloading, see


Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
        "Time makes everyone interesting, even YOU!"

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