[Support #VZK-428847]: Which decoders use!? LDM Distribution

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Hi Andrïs,

> Hello again, my name is Andres from Universidad Simïn Bolïvar of Venezuela,
> i wrote recently for some troubles to configure the pqact.conf in the LDM
> distribution to write the data to the disk, now i resolved this issues,
> thanks for your support.

I am happy to hear that things are working for you now!

> Now i have another question, is about which decoder
> i must use to decode the binary data of the NGRID and NMC2 feedtypes to
> extract the (graphical or text) information to be human readable, i think
> that one of them is Gempak, but i dont know certainly and i have some doubts
> and you now specifically which decoders use to to reach the objective.

Which decoder you want to use will depend on exactly what you want to do with
the data.  You would use the GEMPAK 'dcgrib2' if you want to use the data

You could use the netCDF decoders package if you want to convert
the data into netCDF format.  After converting the data into netCDF you have
the option of using the netCDF utility 'ncdump' to list out the data from
the file as ASCII text.  Given this, I would recommend that you use the
netCDF decoders:

Unidata HomePage

  TOOLS dropdown -> more >
    netCDF and GRIB decoders

  TOOLS dropdown -> netCDF
> Thanks for your support again.

No worries.

By the way, I see that the latencies for your CONDUIT and NGRID feeds
are not very good:

Real Time IDD Statistics

  Statistics by Host

    xica.bd.cesma.usb.ve [6.4.5]

    CONDUIT latency

    NGRID latency

The high latencies are likely a result of your feeding data over commodity 
Internet, and,
so should improve when your Internet2 connection is up and running.  Until 
then, you might
want to consider splitting your feed requests as I mentioned in a previous 

> Sincerely,
> Andrïs Vidal


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