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============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ============================================================================== ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:44:27 +0100 From: Simon Elliott <Simon.Elliott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Quasi/thin grib 1 grids Hello Robb, As I expect you realise, at EUMETSAT we don't produce and GRIB1 data. Nevertheless, we are used to processing these data from ECMWF (center 98), and so I hope we can help you out. Usually, when octet 5 of the GDS is set to 255, it means the data are on a regular grid (with hte same number of grid points in each row) and that there are no complex vertical coordinates being used. The data we use here come on "model" levels which are hybrid sigma (vertial) coordinates, and so octet 4 and 5 are set accordingly. If the model has 61 levels, and each is specified by two parameters, this gives 122 vertical coordinate parameter, hence octet 4 (NV) would be 122. It would then be necessary to put 33 in octet 5 (PV) to show that the vertical coordiate parameters being at this octet of Section 2. As each parameter is store in 4 octets, the total length f the section would be 32 + (122 * 4) = 520, and this value would be stored in octets 1 to 3. If you would like me to look at some specific data from ECMWF, perhaps you could send them to me or make them available for FTP collection. Cheers, Simon (p.s. If you could make sure our help desk ops@xxxxxxxxxxxx is on copy or contacted directly, this would help to ensure a response from us) Dr Simon Elliott Product Implementation Manager Operations Department EUMETSAT tel: (+49) 6151 807385 fax: (+49) 6151 807304
Robb Kambic <rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 21/02/2007 23:40:29 >>>
Hi Simon, Can you point me to the GRIB1 documentation for eumetsat. It seems to be a little different then the NCEP documentation for the GDS, especially for the Quasi/Thin grid processing. The problem details for a Quasi Grib1 grid from center 98 In the GDS: i know octet 5 != 255 means that this is a quasi grid. The information for the number of points is at the end of the GDS section. For NCEP grids, i get the number of parallels from the nx or ny depending on the scan mode. Then i read in the points using readUnsignedShort() for the values. This works for NCEP thin gribs, but ECMWF thin gribs give numbers in the 1000's. i know that is not correct. if i would use 3 octets to read in the values, the read would go past the length of the section. This doesn't seem correct either. i must be missing something here GDS NV = 122 octet 4 GDS PL = 33 octet 5 GDS length =520 GDS numPts = 181 GDS numPV[ 0 ] = 0 GDS numPV[ 1 ] = 0 GDS numPV[ 2 ] = 16916 GDS numPV[ 3 ] = 0 GDS numPV[ 4 ] = 16934 GDS numPV[ 5 ] = 27875 GDS numPV[ 6 ] = 16959 GDS numPV[ 7 ] = 42454 GDS numPV[ 8 ] = 16991 GDS numPV[ 9 ] = 41744 GDS numPV[ 10 ] = 17030 GDS numPV[ 11 ] = 31674 GDS numPV[ 12 ] = 17076 GDS numPV[ 13 ] = 38296 Thanks, Robb... ============================================================================== Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: ==============================================================================