Re: flow vectors from regular u and v arrays (fwd)

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Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 19:07:18 +0100
From: Murray Brown <murraybr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, satmet.hp <satmet.hp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: flow vectors from regular u and v arrays

I have a simple Surfer ASCII grid to NetCDF converter if anybody is interested. It's new, and needs testing.

We typically make U and V grids in Surfer, followed by arrow plots in Surfer also. I don't see why you couldn't also use these for a NetCDF route.

If you're looking for good candidate ASCII grid formats to convert to NetCDF, Surfer is obviously a priority, IMHO, and ESRI ArcGrid comes next (ASCII and binary flavors).

Murray Brown

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Murray" <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "satmet.hp" <satmet.hp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: flow vectors from regular u and v arrays

Hi HP-

satmet.hp wrote:

I have files with the u resp v components of regularly spaced wind vectors (ASCII arrays). How can I construct flow vectors.

There is no direct ASCII grid reader in the IDV, but it is
on our list of things to do.  The big problem is deciding on
a format.  The underlying VisAD library has a method for reading
ASCII grids and we are looking at using that as well as a
netCDF-Java IOSP.

There are a couple of options:

- use the VisAD text reader and then try to display the
resulting data structure using the Any Field formula and
selecting a flow display.

- use the GEON-IDV ASCII->netCDF converter described at:

Stu Wier might want to chime in on this since he's the one
who developed it.

Can you send a sample file to support-idv?

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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