Re: FW: FW: Salotto's support request

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On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Salottolo Greg wrote:

Hi Robb:

I guess now I am really confused. It works on IDV2.0 but not IDV2.2b1.


That's because in IDV2.0 there was a bug in the version of nj22 that skipped duplicate records in the grib file. The bug has been fixed.
 For instance, here's 2 records from the grib index file.

1 0 -1 176 8 103 8229.0 255 0.0 2006-12-18T23:00:00Z 0 921322765 2164150 2206536 2 false

1 0 -1 176 8 103 8229.0 255 0.0 2006-12-18T23:00:00Z 0 921322765 3394504 3405226 2 false

fields 2-5 determine the parameter, so the parameters are the same. it also has the same level 103 8229.0 so the 2nd record is a duplicate of the first including the time. Thats the first problem. The second problem is the number of points from the GDS, Nx = 301 Ny = 225 should have 67725 points. The first record has 67725 but the second only has 17063 points. That caused major problems when you try to display the parameter. You need to point this out to the data provider. is this file a combination of 2 different files? the GDS Nx and Ny are wrong for the records that only have 17063 points. Why are there duplicate records in the file for all the parameters? Can you send the data provide the file and have them analysis the above problems. If the wrong duplicated were eliminated, the file could be read/displayed properly in the IDV.


As always any help is appreciated.

Greg ...

-----Original Message-----
From: McIDAS Help Desk [mailto:mug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 1:15 PM
To: Salottolo Greg
Subject: Re: FW: Salotto's support request

I'm running IDV 2.0 on XP and all three parameters display fine for me.   I do get a lot 
of "duplicate record" error messages in my system window.

I don't know a lot about this data, or the icing patterns on that date, so I 
could be missing something with the data that is obvious to you.

I've attached an image of LAT (or really Icing Probability).  What sort of 
problems are you seeing?

- Becky

Salottolo Greg wrote:

Hi Becky:

To display the grib files I am running IDV 2.2b1 on a windows XP Dell.

Greg ...

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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