Re: java libraries for BUFR

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On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, Stephen Conley wrote:

Hi Rob,

I need to read Quikscat files in an attempt to estimate DMS fluxes from tropical ocean. I was looking at writing a Java application and I stumbled across an abstract of yours for a presentation of a Java library built for just that purpose. I can't seem to find the library anywhere and wondered if you might point me to it...


the Bufr decoder isn't official released yet cuz i haven't had time to work on it but a couple of people have been using it successfully. it's available from the NetCDF and GRIB decoder page, in the download section.

the tar file to get is: bufr-decoder-java_1.1.01.tar.gz

since it's java, run ant in the home dir to build the distribution.
there are java-docs available (ant javadoc), the main routines are BufrDump, BufrIndexer, and BufrGetData. The BufrGetData needs info from the BufrIndex to be able to extract a particular data block from the data. There is also a run file with some example command invocations. I know this is a terse explanation but i'm preparing for a workshop on monday.



Steve Conley, UC Davis.

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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