[decoders] Bufr Decode Exception

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I am tring to decode a bufr file and have had a Exception. The
exception is as follows:

      D:\netcdfAll-2.2.22>java -Xmx256m ucar.bufr.BufrIndexer
ISSM41_RJTD_120000_KAA.bin  >ISSM41_RJTD_120000_KAA.bin.indexer.txt
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
              at ucar.bufr.BufrIndexer.writeFileIndex(BufrIndexer.java:327)
              at ucar.bufr.BufrIndexer.main(BufrIndexer.java:494)

And the index file that BufrIndexer outputs is as follows:

      D:\netcdfAll-2.2.22> cat ISSM41_RJTD_120000_KAA.bin.indexer.txt
      Unknown DDS DataType =48
      type = BUFR
      bufr_edition = 3
      location = ISSM41_RJTD_120000_KAA.bin
      length = 7441
      created = 2008-03-13T04:45:34Z
      index_version = 1.1

It seems like a bug. if so, I would appreciate it if unidata team
would fix the bug.

And I am attaching the bufr file that I tried to decode.

Best regards,

Tatsuya Noyori (^o^)/

Attachment: ISSM41_RJTD_120000_KAA.bin
Description: Binary data

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