[decoders] Could not find table

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 Does anyone could help me with the following error message?

Could not find table for center:46 subcenter:0 number:-1
ucar.grib.NotSupportedException: Could not find a table entry for GRIB file with center: 46 subCenter: 0 number: 128 at ucar.grib.grib1.GribPDSParamTable.getParameterTable(GribPDSParamTable.java:278) at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1ProductDefinitionSection.<init>(Grib1ProductDefinitionSection.java:388)
         at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Input.scan(Grib1Input.java:146)
         at ucar.grib.grib1.Grib1Indexer.writeFileIndex(Grib1Indexer.java:91)
         at recortes.Grib.read(Grib.java:58)
         at recortes.Main.main(Main.java:86)

 What does it mean???

I tried to update the "grib-6.0.jar" file including my tables and using that command (Windows OS):

lib> jar -uf grib-6.0.jar ..\resourses\grib\tables\mytable128.tab ..\resourses\grib\tables\tableslookup.lst

 The table required (number 128) starts like it:

001:PRES  :Pressure                           Pa
002:PMSL  :Pressure reduced to MSL            Pa
003:PTND  :Pressure tendency                  Pa s**-1
004:PVOR  :Potential vorticity                Km**2 kg**-1 s**-1

, and in the "tableslookup.lst" I have:

38:     0:     2: beijing_v2.tab
46:     0:   128: inpegrib_glb.tab
54:     0:     2: cmcgem_2.tab

 Thanks in advanced!




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