[decoders] Decoding GRIB2 files!

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Dear GRIB-Decoders,


I am currently  trying to decode a GRIB2 file to further process this data
in a java.

Earlier I found an e-mail in your mailing list where you suggested to read
in data with the readDataSlice() method for specific lat/lon coordinates.
This way of reading data from a grib file would take too much time. Is there
a way to read in a larger amount of data in less time?


My idea is to read in "v-" and "u-components-of-currents" from a GRIB2 file
for a predefined field of coordinates.

Are there any manuals on how to work with the java grib decoder? Are there
any java code example files that are close to what I am looking for?


Thanks for your support!

Kind regards,

Volker Windeck
University of Hamburg


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