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UW-Madison (including AOS and SSEC) will be off the network for somewhere 
between 20 minutes and 4 hours beginning around 3 AM CST (08 UTC).

They're doing a semi-emergency router upgrade in anticipation of the impending 
flood of data when classes begin again Tuesday.

Sounds like it shouldn't be a real long outage, but anyone feeding from or might want to fail over until things are up 
and running tomorrow.


------- Forwarded Message

Sender: owner-uw-netfolks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Time:  3AM to 7AM

On Friday, 31 August 2001, the campus network Internet connection will be 
temporarily interrupted to put a new, higher capacity router into production.

We have scheduled 4 hours for doing this.  In reality we expect the outage to 
last less than 20 minutes.

The reason for doing this so quickly is because our current peering router will 
not be able to handle the load we expect to see and it's already ramping up 
quickly.  We've had several short outages due to processing overload on the 
peering router in the past 2 weeks.

We apologize for the short notice, this will make our Internet connection more 
reliable and also give us some breathing room to accommodate additional 
bandwidth as we purchase it and bring it on line.

Thank you.
Robert Lee
DoIT Network Services

------- End of Forwarded Message

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