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mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
April 18, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E FROM: John H. Ward Chief, Production Management Branch SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite On 15 July 2003 all FAX charts based on output from the Nested Grid Model (NGM) will be removed from the NWS FTP server. A list of products to be eliminated is contained at the end of this memo. Alternate products can be found at: NGM MOS FAX products can be found at: On or about 1 July 2003 NCEP will be instituting a policy to limit access to restricted data to authorized users of the NCEP Central Computer System. All ftp and WEB access to these restricted data types will be terminated on that date. Further details on restricted data can be found at: The 30-day operational readiness test for the new Central Computer System (CCS) is continuing. It is anticipated that the CCS will not become operational prior to 8 May 2003. An exact date will be determined as soon as possible. In order to reduce the impact of this delay on planned implementations, the moratorium on changes to the Production Suite is being lifted and Production Management Branch will now accept requests for changes. Routine implementations will commence by late April. For changes that do not require additional system resource, implementations will be performed on both the IBM SP and the CCS. Changes that require additional system resources, such as the GFDL upgrade and the initiation of a Fire Weather run, will be implemented on the CCS only. Products related to the CCS implementations will not be available until the CCS becomes operational. By implementing changes on the CCS that are not on the IBM SP, the switch over to the CCS will not be as transparent as previously advertised. The NCO WEB page which lists upcoming changes to the Production Suite will indicate whether upcoming changes will be made on the CCS only or on both systems. Once the operational date is established, this WEB site can be used to determine what changes in product volume, content, or format that will occur when the CCS becomes operational. The Production Status WEB page for the parallel runs on the CCS is available at: The 30-day average times contained on this WEB page should closely mirror the schedule on the IBM SP prior to the T254 Global Forecast System (GFS) implementation. The parallel status page now contains the target completion times for specific forecast products from each model run. As model upgrades are implemented, every effort will be made to deliver products no later than the target times indicated. No changes will be made to these target times without discussions with the customers of NCEP products. In a number of cases the target times do not currently match the 30-day average completion time. The target times are based on plans to adjust the production suite to conform to a completely symmetric six hour forecast cycle, after the transition to the CCS is completed. An on-line user guide for code conversion to the CCS is available on the NCEP internal WEB server at: The guide will be continually updated as new features or problems with the code conversion are uncovered. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * List of NGM FAX products to be discontinued on 15 July 2003 File Name RGL Product Description Model Run Time QDTA11 00HR SFC/1000-500 THK I 00Z/12Z QDTI11 24HR SFC/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QDUE11 12HR SFC/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QDUM11 36HR SFC/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QDUQ11 48HR SFC/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QETE00 12HR SFC PRECIP (12HR ACCUM)700VV 00Z QEUE00 12HR SFC PRECIP (12HR ACCUM)/700 VV 12Z QEUI00 24HR SFC PRECIP (12HR ACCUM)/700 VV 00Z/12Z QEUM00 36HR SFC PRECIP (12HR ACCUM)/700 VV 00Z/12Z QEUQ00 48HR SFC PRECIP (12HR ACCUM)/700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUA70 00HR 700 HT/RH /00HR 850 HT/TEMP 00Z/12Z QHUA71 00HR 500 HT/VORT/00HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUA85 00HR 700 HT/REL HUMIDITY/00HR 850 HT/RH 00Z/12Z QHUA86 00HR 500 HT/VORT/00HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUE07 12HR 700 HT/REL HUM 00Z QHUE70 12HR 700 HT/RH/12HR PCPN/ 700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUE71 12HR 500 HT/VORT/12HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUE72 12HR 700 HT/REL HUM/12 HR PRECIP/700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUE86 12HR 500 HT/VORT/12HR MSLP/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUI07 24HR 700 HT/REL HUM 00Z/12Z QHUI70 24HR 700 HT/RH/24HR PCPN/ 700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUI71 24HR 500 HT/VORT/24HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUI72 24HR 700 HT/REL HUM/24HR PRECIP/700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUI73 24HR 500 HT/VORT/24HR MSLP/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUM70 36HR 700 HT/RH /36HR PCPN/ 700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUM71 36HR 500 HT/VORT/36HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUM72 36HR 700 HT/REL HUM/36HR PRECIP/700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUM73 36HR 500 HT/VORT/36HR MSLP/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUM85 36HR 850 HT/TEMP/48HR 850 HT/TEMP 00Z/12Z QHUM86 12HR 850 HT/TEMP/24HR 850 HT/TEMP 00Z/12Z QHUQ07 48HR 700 HT/REL HUM 00Z QHUQ70 48HR 700 HT/RH /48HR PCPN/ 700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUQ71 48HR 500 HT/VORT/48HR MSLP/1-500 THK 00Z/12Z QHUQ72 48HR 700 HT/REL HUM /48HR PRECIP/700 VV 00Z/12Z QHUQ73 48HR 500 HT/VORT/48HR MSLP/1000-500 THK 00Z/12Z QMTA11 00HR 500 HT/VORT/00HR 500 HT 00Z/12Z QMUE11 12HR 500 HT/VORT 00Z/12Z QMUI11 24HR 500 HT/VORT 00Z/12Z QMUM11 36HR 500 HT/VORT 00Z/12Z QMUQ11 48HR 500 HT/VORT 00Z/12Z QPTQ07 48HR 700 HT/REL HUM V12Z 12Z QPUE07 12HR 700 HT/REL HUM V00Z 12Z QPUM07 36HR 700 HT/REL HUM V00Z 12Z QRAE86 12HR BNDRY LAYER WIND/RH V00Z 12Z QRTA07 00HR 700 HT/REL HUM 00Z/12Z QRTM07 36HR 700 HT/REL HUM V12Z 12Z QTTA04 00HR NA 850 HT/TEMP (00Z) 00Z/12Z QTTE00 PROG- MAX/MIN TMPS US 00Z/12Z QTTR00 PEATMOS PROG 00Z/12Z QTUI88 24HR 700 MB DEW PT TRAJ PROG 00Z/12Z QWAI00 24HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 12Z QWAM00 36HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 12Z QWAQ00 48HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 12Z QWPQ61 NGM 48HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 12Z QWTA11 MOS SFC WND/CLD AMT 00Z QWUA00 12, 18, 24, 30HR MOS SFC WIND/CLOUD AMT 00Z QWUM99 RAFS 36HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 00Z QWUQ99 48HR BNDRY LYR WIND/RH 00Z QYTE11 PROB OF THNDR STM 00Z QZUQ88 24HR, 48HR SOLAR ENERGY (00Z) (CONUS) 00Z/12Z