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Hello Stefano, I'm very pleased to hear from you, and to hear that you're interested in wor king with us. Actually, I've been reading materials written by you for abou t 2 years now, in the THREDDS project, so I'm happy to finally be in contact with you. I think the first thing we would like is to understand the process for prepa ring data and metadata for our scenes of satellite data. I think we would f irst need to put our satellite scenes into NetCDF, CF compliant format. Per haps next your WCS server implementation will generate the necessary metadat a in ncML-GML format. Unfortunately our budget for this work is very limite d so we need to have some understanding of the effort on our part. However, I feel very optimistic about this work and look forward to working with you. Another question would be what server we would put the data on. Is there a server we could put the CEOP satellite data and metadata on, or would we nee d to provide our own server installation for this (perhaps THREDDS and WCS s ervers)? Also, what schedule for our joining OGC would be satisfactory, since we need to work out contract details with JAXA to obtain approval for using contrac t money for OGC membership. Finally, we hope to perform demos in future meetings (e.g. the next CEOS WGI SS meeting in May of 2006) and we are wondering if GALEON servers will remai n online for demos after the GALEON project ends. I hope we can talk briefly in today's telecon on some of these issues. If n ot, I'm sure we can talk about them over the phone or by email in the near f uture. Thank you again, Ben At 11:29 2005/09/20 +0200, you wrote: > Hello Ben, > > I'm Stefano Nativi, of the IMAA-CNR (Italian National Research > Centre) and Univ. of Florence. In the frameowrk of GALEON experiment, > we are testing the ncML-GML technology. > NcML-GML is a mediation language between ncML (xml encoding of netCDF > data) and GML. It provides additional metadata useful to work out > effective GIS coverages from netCDF-CF datasets. > > Given a netCDF dataset, our WCS server implementation first generates > the corresponding ncML-GML document, then, produces the useful > WCS messages for making it accessible. > > We would like to try our middleware solution with your scenes of > satellite data. If you are interested we can work together on such point. > > > > Sincerely, > > > --Stefano Nativi >