NOTE: The galeon
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
Hi, I'd like to hold this month's GALEON teleconference next week. I understand that some GALEON participants have class conflicts for Friday teleconferences. So this time I'll set things up for Wednesday (October 19) morning at 9 am Mountain Time. If this causes major problems for too many others, we can switch back to Friday (October 21). The main thing I'd like to accomplish with this teleconference is to develop a plan and begin assembling the background materials needed for the GALEON session at the November OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Bonn. Sean Forde of GMLJP2K (GML JPEG2000) fame has arranged for us to have an hour of time for GALEON during the IES Working Group session on Wednesday morning November 9 in the Konzertsaal. This will be a great forum for discussing possible interactions between GMLJP2K and GALEON. Our thanks to Sean on that one. So I would like to know who will be attending the Bonn meetings, who would be able to give a presentation on their GALEON experiences thus far. And, of course, written summaries of your experiences thus far are becoming increasingly important. Some participants are putting status updates directly onto the wiki Others have been emailing them to me. Either approach is fine. Whatever is easier for you. Thanks, -- Ben PS In case next Wednesday (Oct 19) is a bad day for a teleconference for you, please let me know as soon as possible so I can make other arrangements.