Re: GALEON data

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Since GALEON is an interoperability experiment, we decided we needed to select 
a few representative datasets to focus on for the initial experimentation. The 
ones you listed are those few. They were chosen partly because they have some 
of the characteristics that stretch the boundaries of the current WCS/GML 
specifications. Of course there are many other netCDF data collections that we 
could work with and hopefully we'll be able to get to many of those during the 

To name a couple examples, Rob Raskin will be serving a collection of 
oceanographic data on the JPL server and the Unidata server has a wide variety 
of weather forecast model output -- including the output of global models.

I would ask the other participants who are providing datasets on servers to 
provide lists of the types of data they are serving along with brief 
descriptions of those collections.

I'll be interested to see if there are collections with time series at individual points. 
That type of data is often served as "features" via Web Feature Services (WFS). 
As I noted, our main focus has been on forecast model output (we sometimes call it 5D 
data) because it is so different from traditional GIS datasets. But the more traditional 
datasets remain important of course. In fact, some participants argue that the 
distinction between features and coverages is somewhat artificial in the context of OGC 
and that a coverage is just a special case of a feature and should be treated as such.

These are some of the issues we are trying to sort out with the experiment, but 
we decided to start at the far end (5D datasets) of the spectrum.

I hope this helps and also that it spurs others to list and describe additional 
datasets they are making available.

-- Ben

On 10/17/05, Ben Burford <benb@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Can someone please confirm exactly what the GALEON project data is? I need
to think out a possible demo scenario, and how CEOP data might fit into (com
plement) the existing data and add to a demo scenario.

I downloaded, <> and and did ncdump(s) on them to get the time and location coverage information: <> is 24 scenes, global coverage, from 15 days to 705
days, at 30 day in
tervals, starting at 2001-1-1.
lon 1:359:2
lat -79.5:89.5:1
time 15:705:30 (days, since 2001-1-1)
tos (in degrees K). is basically over the continental US, various variables at 19
levels. I couldn't understand the time range or interval.

Striped appears to be global, probably atmospheric temperature at pressure
levels. Perhaps at a single time.

Can you confirm and fill in my understanding of the data please -
locations and time series?

Is there any other data? Especially, is there any station data (time
series data at a point)?

Thanks very much for your help.


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