RE: redo, change WCS URLs

NOTE: The galeon mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

This touches on one of those OGC permathreads, which could be summarized as "why should I 
worry about the CRS definition - if I don't say anything then everyone will know it is lon-lat WGS 
84 won't they" to which the answer is, unfortunately, "no".  There are distinct 
traditions in different sub-sectors of our world where the sub-community actually makes different 
assumptions from other sub-communities. For example, the good-old cartographers tradition is 
lat-lon (i.e. northing before easting) with numbers in sexadecimal + hemisphere (DMSH). A commonly 
used map projection in South Africa is based on southing and westing. And most data in Australia is 
still given using a datum which offsets everything 200m from WGS84. Unfortunately, the only safe 
way is the explicit way. This includes not only datum and projection parameters, but also axis 
order, axis direction, and possibly encoding.


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