Re: Thoughts on GALEON Phase 2

NOTE: The galeon mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


I would second the motion that we proceed to the second phase through the 
GALEON OGC Network path. Some of the rationale are below:

- GALEON has matured to the point that Networking (beyond just test links) is 
now a meaningful and desirable goal.

- Interaction with other OGC Networks, e.g. GEOSS Services Network (GSN) would be easier
- Inclusion of more agencies (domestic and international) in the open GALEON 
Network would aid OGC protocol acceptance

- The tools and methods offered by OGC to support group interaction in OGC 
Networks are significant

I am sure there are some drawbacks to the Network approach, but I cant think of 
any. So I would vote for the OGC GALEON Network option.


Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director
CAPITA, Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
1 Brookings Drive, Box 1124
314 935 6099

On 2/24/06, Ben Domenico <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From my perspective, GALEON Phase 1 has been a huge success.  As noted
earlier though, several of the most important GALEON efforts are in
mid-stream and several others are just beginning to take shape with new
members joining.

We are facing key questions about how best to proceed from here.  From my
discussions with George Percivall, there are two avenues available to us
within the electronic auspices of the OGC.  One is to continue on as Phase
2 of the GALEON IE.  Of course we have to keep in mind that the formal
interface specification aspects of that approach are only available to
GALEON participants whose institutions are OGC members.

In addition the OGC has recently opened up the OGC Networks (TM) option
which can include participants who are not OGC members.


This might be better than the combination of Unidata email lists, the
GALEON wiki, and pointers to web pages on various participant sites that I
cobbled together so we could include non-OGC members on the implementation
and testing facets in Phase 1.  I would ask you to give this some thought,
experiment a bit with the OGC Networks site let's have a dialog on how to
proceed with GALEON Phase 2.

-- Ben

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