RE: Teleconference outcomes

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Hi Ben, Just a few comments (and apologies for being unable to
participate in the telcon).

First, should these docs be moved onto the OGC Network?

On the "WCS known issues" doc:

* Regarding 'non-traditional views' (e.g. Hovmullers). Some rather minor
modifications are needed to enable completely flexible slicing in WCS.
e.g. removing the requirement that RESX & RESY (or WIDTH and HEIGHT) are
mandatory, and unifying WMS, WCS approaches to the use of BBOX &
ELEVATION. (The NERC GALEON 1 report has more detail.)

* Regarding the non-spatial height parameter. There's a NWIP in with ISO
TC211 right now to extend ISO 19111 to non-spatial vertical coords. I'd
urge all interested parties to ensure their national standards body is
aware of the importance of supporting this proposal. This WCS issue
becomes a non-issue with the 19111 extension.

Best regards,
- Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-galeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-galeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ben Domenico
Sent: 19 April 2006 20:49
To: Unidata GALEON
Subject: Teleconference outcomes


First, I apologize to those of you who were not able to participate in this morning's GALEON teleconference because of problems with the announcement and with the conference ID. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again. For different periods, the following people did get into to the conference:

*       Rudy Husar
*       Lorenzo Bigagli
*       Wenli Yang
*       John Evans
*       Ben Domenico
* Peter Baumann attempted to get in but was stymied by the conference ID problem. * Stefano Nativi, Steve,Kopp and Dominic Lowe could not make it, but sent in comments.

The teleconference mainly focused on how to proceed with the draft WCS CF-netCDF binary encoding profile. Rather than attempt to provide a meeting summary in this message, I tried to incorporate all their good ideas into a revision of the draft profile at:
  Draft Profile ile-short.htm
Note that the previous draft profile is now incorporated as a 

Data Model Mapping Related to Binary Encoding of WCS 
Coverages in CF-NetCDF

and an additional sub-document was added:
CF-netCDF WCS Limitations and Known Issues
This approach allows us to develop a profile that is 
relatively stable but incorporates indirect refernces to 
specifics that may change fairly rapidly with time as the WCS 
specification and CF-netCDF conventions evolve.  It also 
provides a place to document current limitations, difficult 
issues, and possible future directions that interested 
parties should be aware of. 

I strongly encourage those who participated in the 
teleconference or who sent in comments to correct any errors 
or omissions on my part and I hope that others will provide 
their input on this version so we can complete the profile in 
time to propose adoption at the June OGC Technical Committee meeting. 

Thanks to all.

-- Ben

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