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This is intended to be *complementary* to the GALEON topic, description as follows: "Web services provide the opportunity for on-demand access to observational and other data in support of scientific investigations. However, the style of data required varies across the geosciences. Those sub-domains (earth observations, seismology, etc) that primarily use large-volume, regularly-organized data (e.g. grids) have a legacy of de-facto standards that can underpin web-service implementations. However, in order to support sub-domains (geochemistry, structural geology, etc) that depend on sparse, but highly structured data, the information models and corresponding access interfaces must support sophisticated queries (e.g. GML, OGC's WFS). This topical session is intended to provide a forum for investigators working on data models and structures, schemas and service interfaces in support of fine-grained data access within the geosciences. " Simon Cox