Re: [galeon] WCS CF-netCDF profile document

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Hi Peter,

wouldn't it be nice to store NetCDF and get out GeoTIFF slices at some time?

Yes!  IMHO think this will do more for "GIS interoperability" than
working out how to have NetCDF as an *output* format.  (Again, I
repeat my worry about the "core plus extension" model...)

Regarding your other points, yes, with enough effort we could figure
out how to force CF-NetCDF through WCS without loss of information
(although WCS will be years behind the curve of scientific innovation
for the foreseeable future unless we get Roy's suggested $700bn
bailout).  My argument remains that this isn't what we really need.
We need to present metocean data in a form that others can understand.
Having another way to download CF-NetCDF doesn't help those who can't
understand CF-NetCDF.

Cheers, Jon

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Peter Baumann
<p.baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jon,

thanks for explaining to the newbie in metocean data (saw some of the points
in earlier postings).

To me it looks like there are some issues which can be treated individually:
- data not on regular grids.
This is an issue the WCS group is aware of, but up to now we haven't found
anybody of expertise who is willing to contribute a spec. I now have a PhD
student sitting on this. While he has a sound geodesy / remote sensing
background he will need a little time to get up to speed. This work I expect
to close this gap.
- non-standard CRS.
One option WCS offers is to use just the Image CRS, i.e.: the integer array
coordinates if you will. If this CRS is the only one the WCS offers then no
detailed handling is necessary - DescribeCoverage offers some identifier,
GetCoverage uses it.
BTW, you can effectively prohibit interpolation this way (a requirement I
have been fighting for).
- translation of subsetting.
Again, a coverge description contains a boundary box. If your WCS provides
that then the GetCoverage request can contain this box or an extent inside

2) The ocean community lacks a means of describing coverages in an
interoperable way (which is one reason why Stefano's document will be
important).  Hence I think that WCS GetCapabilities and
DescribeCoverage could be useful, even if the coverage is ultimately
accessed by other means.

Not sure that the outcome of this construct is really interoperable. As
earlier the connection into the GIS user community was mentioned, wouldn't
it be nice to store NetCDF and get out GeoTIFF slices at some time?

Norman (or anyone else): how does this relate to the JPEG2000/JPIP
situation?  Does a JPIP stream point to an entire coverage or a
coverage subset?

JPIP has its problems when it comes to general subsetting. I personally can
imagine that either they support that by all means (which will sometimes
mean: bad performance) or they refuse and return an exception on parameter
constellations they don't like. But that's my personal opinion.

Anyway, good discussion; I feel this helps to increase udnerstanding (at
least from my side).


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