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Dear Chengfang,sorry for the delayed response. After the results returning, by clicking on the "Download Selected Resource(s)" button GI-go should prompt the user to choose the additional WCS parameters (needed to perform the WCS data access) from a list (populated by GI-go after issuing a DescribeCoverage request) and then proceed to download the coverage.
But you are right, this doesn't work with the GI-go version 5.1.4 with the metadata you provided. I've tried to replicate the problem downloading the "Alaska_11km/NCEP-NAM-Alaska_11km_best" dataset; the malfunctioning seems to be related to the following bug: - GI-go finds a "CI_OnlineResource" (the first) without the protocol and terminates the download with an exception. Moreover GI-go is not 100% conforming to the proposed "CI_OnlineResource conventions for WCS data access" at the
moment, so other problems could arise We have scheduled the following two objectives for the next GI-go release: - to be complaint with the proposed data access convention- to extend the available access functionalities (more wcs parameters will be retrieved from the DescribeCoverage and proposed to the user). Unfortunately other urgent deadlines prevent us to put effort on GI-go at the moment, so we can not be very accurate about the release date of the new implementation, you'll be informed as soon as is ready! Thanks very much for having pointed out the problem!
Enrico chengfang wrote:
Hi Enrico, Now GMU CSW server can show the dataset access urls of WCS as this: <onLine> <CI_OnlineResource> <linkage><URL></URL></linkage> <protocol><gco:CharacterString>urn:ogc:serviceType:WebCoverageService:1.0:HTTP</gco:CharacterString></protocol> <name><gco:CharacterString>Absolute_vorticity</gco:CharacterString></name> <description> <gco:CharacterString>WCS</gco:CharacterString> </description> </CI_OnlineResource> </onLine>I have tried with GI-GO 5.1.4, but not very sure how to use it to do the WCS operation after the results returning?Thank you! Chengfang