Re: [galeon] [WCS-2.0.swg] GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: CF-netCDFstandards initiatives)

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  • To: "'Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC)'" <andrew.woolf@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [galeon] [WCS-2.0.swg] GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: CF-netCDFstandards initiatives)
  • From: "Whiteside, Arliss E (US SSA)" <arliss.whiteside@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 09:52:02 -0700

Sorry, I do not consider your proposal to be a valid GML "profile", but to be a 
suggested change to, and extension of, GML.  I thus recommend preparing a 
formal change request, to change the document wording as needed.

For example, Clause 16.4.9 of GML 3.2.1 now contains the statement:
"Elements that instantiates a GML property which refers to, or contains, a 
Value or Values;"

I interpret that statement to require that the gml:ValuePropertyType" either 
reference or contain a GML encoding of a gml:Value.


From: Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC) [mailto:andrew.woolf@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:12 PM
To: Whiteside, Arliss E (US SSA)
Cc: Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg; Unidata Techies; Carl Reed
Subject: RE: [WCS-2.0.swg] GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: CF-netCDFstandards 

In my proposed 'best practice profile' of the use of xlink for referring to 
file-based content, I'm suggesting that arcrole define a local XPath to the 
location at which the content is to be logically inserted (the child 
QuantitytList element in this example).

It's not unusual to use XPointer as a fragment identifier in a URI, so we can 
finesse the syntax of doing this. The novelty of this proposed xlink profile is 
in interpreting arcrole in this manner. I believe it is perfectly consistent 
with the xlink spec (and also with GML).

From: Whiteside, Arliss E (US SSA) [mailto:arliss.whiteside@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 August 2009 21:42
To: Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC)
Cc: Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg; Unidata Techies; Carl Reed
Subject: RE: [WCS-2.0.swg] GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: CF-netCDFstandards 


Sorry, it is not clear to me what this XML example is intended to show.  Is it 
intended to show referencing of a CF-netCDF file?

If so, I think the XML fragment
is NOT correct if the referenced file is not the GML encoding of one of the 
four specified gml:Value alternatives.  (Notice that the <documentation> of 
gml:valueProperty defines it as "Property that refers to, or contains, a 


From: Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC)
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:29 AM
To: Peter Baumann
Cc: Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg; Unidata Techies; Carl Reed; 
Subject: Re: [WCS-2.0.swg] GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: CF-netCDFstandards 

<RectifiedGridCoverage id="tos_O1_2001-2002">
        <RectifiedGrid dimension="3" id="tos_O1_2001-2002.domain">
                    <low>0 0 0</low>
                    <high>23 169 179</high>
            <axisLabels>x y t</axisLabels>
                <Point id="tos_O1_2001-2002.domain.origin" 
                    <pos>-79.5 1 1</pos>
srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:badc:TimeLatLon:2001-01-01:1d">1 0 0</offsetVector>
srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:badc:TimeLatLon:2001-01-01:1d">0 1 0</offsetVector>
srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:badc:TimeLatLon:2001-01-01:1d">0 0 2</offsetVector>
        <ValueArray gml:id="tos_O1_2001-2002.range">
                <QuantityList uom="K"/>

(The referenced CRS is a composite using a TM_CoordinateSystem 
(gml:TimeCoordinateSystem) for time, with origin 2001-01-01 and interval 'one 

Our current CR 07-112 will enable analogous use of CF-netCDF files using 
'auxiliary coordinate variables' for a gml:ReferenceableGrid.


From: Peter Baumann [mailto:p.baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 August 2009 10:50
To: Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC)
Cc: Robin, Alexandre; Max Martinez; Ben Domenico; Unidata Techies; Unidata 
GALEON; Carl Reed; wcs-2.0.swg
Subject: GML coverages / xlink (was: Re: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards 


I anyway wanted to contact you on the xlink question.

Your approach as presented at the Boston TC meeting I consider the missing link 
for WCS: we consider coverages delivered as a manifest (XML) and one or more 
encoded files, referenced from the manifest. It seems like your approach allows 
to mimic this in GML. Is that correct?

As we currently are seriously considering adopting GML for the WCS 2.0 coverage 
model such a facility is of high importance to us.


PS: this might also resolve the dispute of this thread: GML coverages can well 
reference a netCDF file then, can't they?

Woolf, Andrew (STFC,RAL,ESC) wrote:
I'd say the same thing about GML - it's already possible to use GML to provide 
a canonical encoding linked to an underlying conceptual model AND xlink to 
netCDF for the actual content.


On Behalf Of Robin, Alexandre
Sent: 20 August 2009 09:16
To: Max Martinez; Ben Domenico; Peter Baumann
Cc: Unidata Techies; Unidata GALEON; Carl Reed; wcs-2.0.swg
Subject: Re: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives


SWE Common can serve to send very efficiently packaged datasets (binary, 
compressed binary) just like NetCDF does while providing robust metadata 
describing the datasets.
These datasets can be N-D grid coverages, discrete coverages, or any other kind 
of sensor observations or model results.

The point for us to build SWE Common rather than just reusing NetCDF was to 
support efficient random access in huge datasets and real time streaming data 
(which NetCDF is not designed for) with a single model.
Both cases are supported and I am pretty sure we can generate a SWE Common 
encoded binary stream that is byte-to-byte compatible with the data section of 
a NetCDF file.

Developing a module for the NetCDF API dealing with SWE Common would be quite 
trivial thanks to the harmonization work we have already done.


Alexandre Robin
Spot Image, Web and E-Business
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 19 43 62
Fax: +33 (0)5 62 19 43 43
Before printing, think about the environment

De : Robin, Alexandre
Envoyé : jeudi 20 août 2009 10:01
À : 'Max Martinez'; Ben Domenico; Peter Baumann
Cc : Unidata Techies; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg; 'Carl Reed'
Objet : RE: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives


I hope we don't have to define a NEW standard but rather work with you to see 
how we can treat your use cases with SWE Common (which already incorporates 
some NetCDF concepts and is VERY close to NcML).
I already looked at the issue and writing a converter (even the 'on the fly' 
kind) between the two formats should be no problem at all.

Bringing legacy formats (be them pseudo-defacto standards of a community) into 
OGC is NOT going to help interoperability across domains...


Alexandre Robin
Spot Image, Web and E-Business
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 19 43 62
Fax: +33 (0)5 62 19 43 43
Before printing, think about the environment

De :<>
 De la part de Max Martinez
Envoyé : jeudi 20 août 2009 03:19
À : Ben Domenico; Peter Baumann
Cc : Unidata Techies; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg
Objet : Re: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives


What exactly is an "OGC binary encoding standard"? Is CF-netCDF attempting to 
be the first of its kind or are there other examples?


On Behalf Of Ben Domenico
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:19 PM
To: Peter Baumann
Cc: Unidata Techies; Unidata GALEON; wcs-2.0.swg
Subject: [WCS-2.0.swg] CF-netCDF standards initiatives


Some confusion has resulted from the fact that we are pursuing two parallel 
efforts at standardizing CF-netCDF within the OGC.

The first initiative began a few years ago.  The goal is to establish CF-netCDF 
as an extension standard for WCS encoding of data in binary form.   Stefano 
Nativi just sent out an email announcing the latest revision of the proposed 
"discussion paper" on that topic.  This will be discussed and hopefully voted 
on at the September/October TC meeting.

At the same time, we have a new initiative to establish CF-netCDF as a separate 
 OGC binary encoding standard.    This approach will result in a binary 
encoding which can be used with different access protocols, e.g., WFS or SOS as 
well as WCS.   Of course, in the long run, our objective is to tie the two 
approaches together, but we do not want to impede progress on either right now 
by making them formally interdependent.  A very rough draft of the core 
standard for CF-netCDF is on the GALEON wiki at:

As you can see, the draft for the OGC core is based on the NASA Earth Science 
Data System standard (NASA ESDS-RFC-011v1.00). We hope to have this candidate 
standard in the proper OGC template form by the September/October TC and will 
have an ad-hoc session at which we plan to establish a SWG.   Since there is 
already a large community of practice, endorsement by other standards groups 
(NASA and NOAA in the US), and solid reference implementations, we hope to move 
forward quickly with this standard.

We would very much like to have as many liaisons as possible between the WCS 
and CF-netCDF working groups to ensure that they are kept in harmony.

-- Ben

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Dr. Peter Baumann

 - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen<>

   mail: p.baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:p.baumann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

   tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178

 - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 147737)<>, mail: 

   tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882

"A brilliant idea is a job halfdone."

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