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Hello, I'm planning a teleconference for next Wednesday, October 14, at 8 AM Boulder Colorado Mountain Time. The goal is to initiate the OGC CF-netCDF Standards Working Group. It I get all the logistics work done in time, this will be the official kick off meeting of the SWG. If not, it will be an organizational meeting to figure out how to get the logistics work done and when to schedule the official kick off meeting. If we miss the opportunity next week, it'll have to wait until I get back from FOSS4G late in October. In preparation, I have revised the draft CF-netCDF SWG charter to include all the individuals who have indicated they want to be charter members of the SWG and to reflect the planned approach of a core CF-netCDF standard with at least the one extension for the CF conventions. I've put the revised draft charter onto the OGC portal as 09-126r1. I will also include a copy as an attachment to this email. The logistics for the telecon (phone number, etc.) will depend on whether I can get everything squared away with the OGC to make this the official kick off meeting. I'll send out another announcement with that information as it becomes available. Note that the draft for the core CF-netCDF standard is available on the OGC portal as 09-122. That's the starting point for our work. -- Ben PS My apologies to Martin Desruisseaux whose name I mistyped in the draft charter on the OGC portal. I've corrected it in the attached copy.
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